House V2 of my maps.this one is better and bigger. it uses interlocking. well heres the link the pictures!!! : Bungie Online : Halo 3 File Details now the pics!!! The out side of the house. already a good view Garage right next to the house The lawn mower and basement. go through it to get there The bakyard. a table and BBQ place to first floor. stairs are also included. The top floor aka 2nd floor
use photo bucket to make the pics bigger. the map: looks eeeeempty on the outside. and there are a lot of infection houses already made. and i also see no signs of merging/inerlocking. the TWO warthogs are a bit much dontya think. i mean, u could just get two people to park in the corner and theyd have a millions kills. i give it a 3/10. look at forging 101 for tips on better map making.
yea THIS ISNT AN INFECTION MAP. i wasnt trying to make the best map known to man. and i did use photobcuket. dont belive me go to my alumb. chao365 is it
so its asthetics? well that makes it a bit better (i guess) but i still dont see too much well used techniques. and using (non merged) teleporters isnt very asthetic like. usually teleporters and other stuff are put together to make something new, or represent something else. then idk, find a way to make the pics bigger cuz its hard to take in the amazingness.
Bigger pictures, and better description. These are the two things you should focus on. Forgehub works like this, you provide pictures and information, and we constructivly critisize your map, and if you expect us to download this and try it, there would be no point of forgehub. Either edit your thread, or maybe next time. If you have any questions about anything, please feel free to ask me or anyone else!
very unoriginal. i dont see much interlocking or geomerging. not sure if this will play out as a good map. seems average. better luck next time