Found Out

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Ladnil, Sep 26, 2008.

  1. Ladnil

    Ladnil Ancient
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    Found Out is my second published map, and since I didn't want to do something done dozens of times already, I decided to get out of the Foundry and push my rapidly expanding limits(I'm still new at this) as a forger.

    The idea for the map was to emulate the feel of Blackout and Guardian, with the separate distinct sections connected in the middle, but with plenty of ways to circle the map without crossing the center. I also wanted to play with jumps and verticality in general.

    Unfortunately, when I began this map I was not aware of the way to get out of the map's invisible walls and create something truly suspended in space, like the recent Collision. I instead used the king of the hill trick to set up custom gametypes for Slayer FFA and Team Slayer, and dotted the floor directly below the structure with suicide teleporters to force yourself to die before losing too many points. It works, but it is very inelegant, and opens up to griefers that just want to drag out the time limit even if it means they lose. Play with people who actually want a decent game of slayer and it works great though.

    Weapons include:
    Several BRs/Carbines spread around
    2 Spikers
    2 SMGs
    2 Plasma Pistols(placed separately)
    2 Magnums
    2 Maulers(again, separate)
    1 Sword 180s
    1 Sniper 150s
    1 Brute Shot 60s
    1 Shield Sucker 120s
    1 Bubble Shield 60s
    1 Regenerator 120s
    1 Overshield 120s
    1 Camo 120s
    3 sets of Plasma Grenades
    1 set of Frag Grenades

    Now for the fun part:

    Overview number 1. Carbine sniper and overshield visible, regenerator spawns behind that bridge I'm using as a wall in the foreground.

    Overview number two, from the opposite corner. One mauler on midlevel to the right, top left platform houses the brute shot. Also visible are some of the shield doors I used to enable grenade bouncing and as cover. Also, yes that bridge is rightside up, but there's no bump.

    Here's the carbine/plasma pistol "tower" with a mauler on the midlevel.

    Brute Shot/Needler side. Brute shot is up top, needler is visible there. Camo is hard to see against Avalanche's background, but its there on the right.

    Sniper Tower. The jump-up and the 2 ramps leading to it make it accessible, and the fusion coils further weaken the position so the sniper can't simply dominate.

    Bottom mid, with the shield sucker and two ramps down to sword room visible. In the back you can see the exit of the sword lift, and the hole to drop down on sword room. Frag grenades spawn here to counter sword camping.

    And the sword, with the sword lift in the background.


    Edit: It occured to me that I didn't explain the gametypes at all; FFA is 4 points per kill, -1 point per sec outside the hill, first to 100 wins. Essentially its a 25 kill game like normal ffa slayer. Team slayer is 5 points per kill first to 250, pretty much a first to 50 game. Players outside the hill do no damage, take extra damage, have no shields, and have a waypoint on their heads, but they can move extra fast to help them get to the suicide teleporter. Also, they're pink.
    #1 Ladnil, Sep 26, 2008
    Last edited: Sep 26, 2008
  2. RaBBiiTTT

    RaBBiiTTT Ancient
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    I love this map. I dont know with you guys but this kinda reminds me of lockout (dont know why). One of my fave types of maps are the avalanche and blackout floating maps and you have just made one of them. Good job dude and keep forging!
  3. Darkdragon

    Darkdragon Ancient
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    4/5 some bridges arent completely even, but still this plays vere well. but its a bit too small for larger partys. very good for doubles though.
    #3 Darkdragon, Sep 26, 2008
    Last edited: Sep 26, 2008
  4. TheDarkKnight05

    TheDarkKnight05 Ancient
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    looks like a nice map. The idea of one big base in avalanche is not a idea i've seen many times, I applaud you for thinking of an original idea. The aesthetics seems very well forged and the layout seems like it would be nice and balanced for some intense gameplay. I'll dl and test and get back to you for a review. Good job!
  5. Zombievillan

    Zombievillan Ancient
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    This is awesome. One of the best floaters ive seen in my opinion. Is the rest of the map blocked off? or would that be impossible, I havent messed with avelanche yet. Some of these interlocking ideas are great, like that bank turn to ramp thingy, That is awesome. Great job.

    EDIT: my bad, I just saw the part about the suicide teleporters, This is a good map and you have great layout ideas.
  6. Ladnil

    Ladnil Ancient
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    Yea, blocking off Avalanche would be nearly impossible. I really wish I had known how to get beyond the invisible walls on the map before I began this so I could've built the whole thing out over nothingness so falling off would actually give you a falling death rather than you having to suicide.

    Maybe if Sandbox gives me the proper tools I'll remake this with a death barrier below, as it should have. Oddball would be perfect here, just there's no way to enforce staying in the map.
  7. Dizfunky

    Dizfunky Ancient
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    It looks a bit sloppy, but I tried it out, and it plays great. It's so much fun, and great to see a map that isn't on Foundry, and is good.
  8. Babyobesity

    Babyobesity Ancient
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    Wow the pics look awesome i can't wait to try it!
  9. greenlanternguy

    greenlanternguy Ancient
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    If in the future you wish to build outside of any map Viper Own5 file share has every map out there is set up like a cnvis with a couple of teleporters to get you in and out of certain areas. His file share has to be one of my most used tools for forging.
    As for your map, I think it is an amazing concept to mak anamalgam of guardian and lock out. I like all the angles that are in the map and the different levels and interchanges between them. What I didn't care for was the force sheilds without a filter the just seem too bright. Also I would have made all the boxes one color but, I can understand not doing it because it can be tiresome. Over all wonderful job and this would make an amazing map If it where done on the other side of the barrier just pass the cliffs
  10. Teaco27

    Teaco27 Ancient
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    I have to say that the sword room looks awesome.
  11. HandiCappKill3r

    HandiCappKill3r Ancient
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    I just saw this map and it looks pretty impressive.I love avalanche maps that are broken down into smaller maps.You usually see maps that are in the inside room of avalanche,but yours isn't which i like alot :)

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