Well As of recently on G4, they posted a blog of the new game Halo wars, Each collators game comes with the new Mythic map pack. check out all the details Here You also get a decal for your "Hog"
I know wtf? I need to get Gears 2, but now I have no money for mirrors Edge because I'm getting a new phone.
Cool game, but I don't think im going to get it. It is very different from the Halo 3 and the weapons/vehicles are screwed up. It's suppose to be before Halo 1, why in the world are there Scarabs, Brs, Hornets......etc?
im sure scarabs, brs, and hornets were all there during halo 1 they just werent in the game you know what im saying? Its not like the br was a new invention of unsc between halo 1 and halo 2 it already existed.
^^^^ Maybe... But still.... I just don't think i'm good at strategy games. Especially not on Xbox. I think strategy games are better played on PC.
The BR was around then. During the first contact on Harvest in "Contact Harvest" Sgt. Johnson field tests them. You've also got to remember that there was one human ship and one fleet of covenant in the first game. The odds them having all of the vehicles at their disposal is pretty low. The Collectors Edition ***** that I am, I'll definitely be getting this.
OOOOH nice find Bl00D. I'm not quite sure if I would buy that game or not but I sure am gonna buy the Mythic Map Pack! Nice hog too, it looks soooo HOT!!
Wow too many games to get. I too will be quite broke. I want Gears 2, Fallout 3, Farcry 2, Fable 2, GH World tour, and the mythic map pack.
Im so screwed why do all the good games have to come out in fall im overloaded I dont no what to choose.
If you paid attention, B.Net said it came out in Feburary 9th. You'll all have plenty of time to fill your (or your parent's) wallets with money. Well... depending on how much you spent during Christmas.
Poor farcry gets so neglected. I barely play it even though I like it..doesn't look like things will be getting much better for it either..lol
I'm sure it said you get 3 of the Mythic maps, not all of them. So this isnt the official 'release date' of the mythic map pack.