The Flaming Ninja Challenge 2!

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by petetheduck, Oct 21, 2008.

  1. petetheduck

    petetheduck Cartographer Emeritus
    Forge Critic

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    It is with great pleasure that I am finally able to present..

    The Flaming Ninja Challenge 2!!

    Like the original, this is a Forged obstacle course in the sky above Blackout. It can be played with any party size and is intended to be used with the default slayer gametype. Click the link below to download it now, or scroll down to preview the obstacles!!

    There is no prize or recognition given for completing this challenge. It is just for fun!

    Click here to download the map variant
    (no gametype to download--use default slayer)

    UPDATE: Per request, I've filmed a demonstration of completing the challenge. You can view it on Youtube here.

    So You Want To Play By The Rules:
    0. Use Halo 3's default slayer gametype
    1. Each obstacle must be completed without assistance from another player
    2. Each obstacle must be navigated as intended
    3. No weapons, grenades, or equipment may be used, only melee

    So You Don't Really Care About The Rules:
    It's all about having fun! If you're getting frustrated, load the map variant in Forge so you can fly back up when you fall down. If you're getting bored, change starting weapons, player gravity, player speed, gametype, etc..

    The obstacles:
    1. The Teleslide, our first returning obstacle, requires you to slide down a steep slope while avoiding the teleporters that return you to the top!

    2. The Jump Course is two returning obstacles in one! Spanning almost a quarter of the course, you must jump from platform to platform to make it across!

    3. The Perception Jump makes it first appearance! You must jump across three pairs of slanted platforms! However, one platform from each pair is too steep to stand on. Are your ninja senses keen enough to determine which one is safe?

    4. The Ball Challenge makes an expected return! You must cross the gap using only the soccer ball!

    METHOD 1: Facing forward, stand on the rear of the soccer ball for it to roll forward. Continue to back up to continue rolling forward.
    METHOD 2: Stand next to the soccer ball and melee it to roll it along the channel.

    5. The Vent Wall is another new obstacle! You must either duck beneath or jump over the mancannon exhausts to cross this narrow beam.

    6. The Precision Jump returns. It may be shorter, but it is as difficult as ever! Jump along the narrow beams to continue.

    7. The Precision Slide requires you to slide down a narrow, twisted beam to the platform below! This obstacle was suggested by Project Pangea's Handmade Hero--thanks!

    8. The Crate Climb requires you to climb a steep set of stairs, but you'll have to break through the crates which block your ascent!

    9. The Telepoline was inspired by Portal. Cross the chasm by "bouncing" on the telepoline below!

    10. The Narrow Jump requires you to jump across seven narrow beams!

    11. The Reverse Slide, the last real obstacle, should be a relief. But there is no preview here! You'll have to figure that obstacle out when you arrive at it.

    The last few jumps will bring you to a floating teleporter, which concludes the obstacle course.

    The teleporter brings you to the Ninja Lobby. From here you can jump down to attempt the obstacle course again. Or, if you are playing with a party, you can observe the other players as they attempt to pass the obstacles themselves.


    You can also try your hand at the radar jammer minigame; roll the radar jammer into the mancannon, attempting to get it to land inside the pair of single open boxes some distance away.


    If you are feeling generous, you can drop the grav lift into the spawn area and let other players join you in the Ninja Lobby.

    Itching for more? There are a few hidden items throughout the map, all of which can be reached while playing with the default Slayer gametype and without the assistance of another player:
    1. A Flaming Ninja needs some flame grenades and a flamethrower, right?
    2. Not the ninja type? How about finding the spartan laser?
    3. Lastly, there is petetheduck's Bubble Shield Challenge! I am all about bubble shields, so there are 4 bubble shields hidden in this map variant. The challenge is to find and deploy each bubble shield while playing with the default Slayer gametype, without dying.

    Want some more on top of that? I hinted at it before, but this map variant can actually be played with any gametype. I'm not going to recommend it, but you could actually play Infection, Territories, or even CTF.

    It took about 14 weeks of off-and-on brainstorming, building and back-to-square-one before I felt this map variant was ready to reveal. I've been anticipating being able to share it, so I hope you enjoy it!

    There is no prize or recognition given for completing this challenge. It is just for fun!

    This map was built using the Infinite Budget glitch.

    The inspiration for the Flaming Ninja Challenge, and several of its obstacles, came from the Sasuke course seen on the Ninja Warrior television show. The name is also inspired from that show as well as some famous words by Jason Jones.

    Want to edit my map in Forge? Don't. Want to use IDEAS from my map to build your own obstacle course to share? Feel free, just include a link to this thread in the thread where you post your map.

    I know there are a lot of "jump maps" out there--this isn't one of them. This is an obstacle course specifically intended to be fun, not frustrating. Because of that, I intentionally maintained a lower level of difficulty than many of the maps I have seen; this isn't meant to be impossible, or so hard that only a few "elite" players can complete it.
    #1 petetheduck, Oct 21, 2008
    Last edited: Oct 22, 2008
  2. JessicaJones

    JessicaJones Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Awsome. It looks better than first one. This one I am downloading and keeping lolz. 5/5 good job on everything and ideas.
  3. Sage

    Sage Ancient
    Senior Member

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    OOOOO the new one. I liked the old one a lot cuz it was challenging and fun. It took me a couple tries to get the old one lets see how long it takes for this one.
  4. EpicFishFingers

    EpicFishFingers Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I'd play it with my friends, but they're all recon obssessives, so they'll probably only play if I tell them they'll get recon for completion. You know what 12 year olds are like :)

    I like the mini-games intricately added in. The radar jammer one sounds good, but I'm sure people will equipment jump with it...

    This definitely deserves a DL. I'm seeing a lot of random-floating-stuff maps on Blackout nowadays.
  5. DunkinMyCookies

    DunkinMyCookies Ancient
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    I have to be perfectly honest pete, still never became a ninja on the first -.-

    But this looks wonderful, I've queued it I'll let you know what I think.
  6. Jimbodawg

    Jimbodawg Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Hopefully this will be the next map to get featured here.
    Being better than the first one for sure, and even providing mini-games inside the mini-game (wtf?) this map is already one of my favorites.
    I've beaten it already the default way, but later I'll try the challenges. =)

    Once again, excellent obstacle course!
  7. SVV33T SAUC3

    SVV33T SAUC3 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    This is amazing. I love the idea. I have never seen any of the ideas in a map. This looks like so much and I love the easter egg type things. The lobby idea is awesome. The minigame is also cool too. I can't see myself playing with more than 3 people. 5/5
  8. RaBBiiTTT

    RaBBiiTTT Ancient
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    Holy..........This map is..................Awesome!!!! I love it very much! When me and my 2 cousins were playing version one, we had so much fun and were so addicted to it. Now that there is v2, I predict that we will be having so much fun here again.

    Your 14 weeks of making this seems tiring, but it really paid off! You have just made the best jump course map ever on Forgehub and your map is in the list of my Top 25 all-time fave maps on FH!! Great job. 100/5.
  9. Seaboro Kibbles

    Seaboro Kibbles Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Your last game is one of the most played games on my xbox. This one looks even better. I am actually really excited! Nice job!
  10. Warlord Alpha

    Warlord Alpha Ancient
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    I beat it! Im a ninja with hand-eye coordination! Yes!

    Awesome map. No, seriously, that was AWESOME! Good layout, a variety of tricks and things to do, didnt feel repetitive...great job! Next time, a vehicle or something should be incorporated. Maybe soccer balls flying at you.
  11. MarcLolWatabu

    MarcLolWatabu Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I love this course You fixed all of the bugs and faults of the last ninja course. Its still hard and fustraiting but still fun at the same time. You kept the old fustraiting obstacles, and took the easy ones and made it harder. This map is awsome
  12. L3377MA573R

    L3377MA573R Ancient
    Senior Member

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    One of the most difficult and frustrating obstacle courses yet, but also one of the most fun and just simply amazing. The ninja lobby is just plain genius, as well as the mini-game and grav-lift. I love the Reverse slide, (which was awesome figuring out step by step) as well as the trampoline. Great job, you've out0done yourself once again.
  13. DKsavage99

    DKsavage99 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    sweet challenge
    love the soccer ball challenge and the mini-game
    looks very challenging adn lots o fun
    gotta find those bubble shields
    dlin it
    4.5/5 and i usually dont like challenge courses
  14. petetheduck

    petetheduck Cartographer Emeritus
    Forge Critic

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    I tried to keep it from being too difficult, but in hindsight, a complete run is actually pretty hard. I plan to postpone FNC3 until the Mythic maps have arried, but I plan to incorporate checkpoints to keep it from getting too frustrating.

    Again, I welcome people to play it in Forge if they are having a really hard time :)

    Glad you liked it!
  15. Rasengan405

    Rasengan405 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Amazing map you have made here! Im excited about people making actually GOOD obsticule courses. They are so hard to come by these days,im definitly going to DL this one.
  16. Rethal

    Rethal Ancient
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    so you plan on one for the mythics eh? sorry if im a late poster, i got this map off a file share and couldn't beat it so i dropped by here. and i still cant beat it. 5/5 easy! but um... are you meant to be able to get the spartan in a regular slayer match? cause i found it but couldnt find a way to it otherwise...
  17. joeyshofe

    joeyshofe Ancient
    Senior Member

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    sweet this is the best map on blackout i have ever seen
  18. EGP

    EGP Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Wow this seeems like a great party map to play with a bunch of friends, and the cool thing about this is that the fact that its not easy to compete but hopefully its not too hard.
    Great map I would love to see more of these

    Im glad you feel that way but your post is spam please consider revising or adding.
  19. petetheduck

    petetheduck Cartographer Emeritus
    Forge Critic

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    Yes, you can get all the "hidden" items (flame thrower & flame grenades, spartan laser, and all 4 bubble shields) using the default slayer gametype.

    The spartan laser is a little tricky, though. The hint is that you have to complete the course before you can get to it. I'll throw up a spoiler tag and tell you the solution if you're still wondering:
    Complete the course and pick up the grav lift, carrying it through the course again until you reach the platform before the precision slide. Throw it down and use it to enter the minigame goal, where you'll find the spartan laser

    EDIT: speaking of which, has anyone found all 4 bubble shields (without resorting to finding them in Forge?)

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