Invasion Test

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by Killer Tofu, Nov 6, 2008.

  1. Killer Tofu

    Killer Tofu Ancient
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    Invasion Test

    Designed and forged by:
    Inspired by:
    "Flying Saucers" by Cptn Bumbles

    By the way, I just joined Forge Hub and this is my first contribution, so hello to everyone!

    Download here: : Bungie Online : Halo 3 File Details

    IMPORTANT: I just looked at the rule for map posting and it says to post a link to Bungie forums- NOT to your fileshare. I obviously have erred here by posting a link to my fileshare. Could someone explain what they want for me? I'm new to this and I'd like to not get into trouble immediately with that sort of thing.

    This map was inspired by "Flying Saucers" only in the sense that those flying saucers looked interesting and I imitated their basic concept. The idea of the map is that the Alien team (defending team) is assaulting Avalanche in their flying saucers. The saucers are bombarding specific points on the level with fusion coils. The attacking team must attack the flying saucers from the ground (or a hornet).

    Four flying saucers are placed asymmetrically around the map (Avalanche). Each saucer is accesible via mancannons/mancannon assisted ramps/grav lifts. The general concept is that the defending aliens have a weapon advantage at long range in order to stop the attackers from reaching the saucers, and the attackers of a weapon advantage at short range if and when the reach the saucers. Many aspects (including some spawn points) of the map change during symmetric and asymmetric games. The central tunnel area of the map is blocked off by energy blockers.
    NOTE: The Alien "Attackers" aren't attacking anything- that's just the cute little background story for the map. The "Aliens" hang out on the flying saucers and the actual attacking team attacks them. The flying saucers are the territories that need to be captured in territories. In other games, they're just platforms to snipe from. Sorry for the confusion.

    In asymmetric games, the defending team starts in their base and cannot get out other than by using four one-way teleporters to their respective flying saucers. The defenders have a choice of primarily long-range weapons to choose from before leaving. The attackers have a choice of primarily short-range weapons along with six mongooses and a hornet with which they are to attack the flying saucers.

    In symmetric games, the weapon choice is very limited, so the infinite ammo option would likely need to be on in game options. The defending team no longer has teleporters, but they do have two banshees, two ghosts, and one prowler. The weapons are also tweaked to be more balanced.

    All gametypes possible, but objective games work better, especially assymetric games. Territories is probably the best.
    Assault (one bomb or multi)
    CTF (one flag or multi)
    Alien Invaders variant demonstrates some tweaks to ammo and weapon pickup specific for the map.

    How is the weapon balance- both symmetric and asymmetric?

    How is the effect of the teleporters?

    How is the accessibility of the flying saucers other than through the teleporters? Is it too easy? Too difficult? How could it be improved?

    How is the vehicle balance/anti-vehicle weapon balance?

    Any other comments are welcome- this is a rough first test of the map.











    Special thanks to eguitarplaya33 for teaching me how to get these picture on here.
    #1 Killer Tofu, Nov 6, 2008
    Last edited: Nov 6, 2008
  2. HandiCappKill3r

    HandiCappKill3r Ancient
    Senior Member

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    You have a nice layout and nice description of the map but your pictures aren't working for me man.Try to fix that
  3. EGP

    EGP Ancient
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    At Forgehub Forums a major issue in people when they post their maps are pictures.
    In order to get pictures you cant just copy and paste them and assume that they will work on a Forum.
    You are going to have to open a photobucket acount (which is free) and upload the pictures of your map and insert the URL's in IMG tage like so

    For Example:

    I got my url for my picture:
    I need to put this url in IMG brackets
    [img ][/img ]

    ^ notice that didnt work, well I purposely made it not work so you can see what it looks like before you post it. It didnt work because I put spaces in between the ] and the g.

    When I correctly put the Url in img tags it should show up like this:
  4. IrishBeast

    IrishBeast Ancient
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    Hey the map sounds good but you have non-working pics. Now I see someone has already posted how to, but if you look under the forum..." how to post your map" or something, you can get a good description!

  5. Seaboro Kibbles

    Seaboro Kibbles Ancient
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    [nopase], makes bb code not work.

    This seems like a really well thought out thread, i would really like to see the pictures. Is the flying sausers better that the original?
  6. pinohkio

    pinohkio Ancient
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    umm i realize there is no pics so i will criticize your post.
    how are the aliens attacking if there team is set to def?
    also test your maps before you post so you dont bumb the new map list on the home page.
    also it seems as you have a good idea, try to get the pics running asap so we can all se your mapzorz
  7. xKingSasquatch7

    xKingSasquatch7 Ancient
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    The map is cool and has some great scenery and stuff but wat I would like to be done which im not sure if you can is to make it so we could go in the UFO.that would be cool
  8. Darkkaiden

    Darkkaiden Ancient
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    At first your pictures didn't work, but now they work. Anyways, the map looks great! I like how you used the symmetry options. The gameplay sounds awesome. I really like this map. Welcome to FH too. 5/5
  9. Killer Tofu

    Killer Tofu Ancient
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    No, there's no way to go inside them because of the size of the ramps that are merged into the wings and the watchtower bases that make the... bases.

    However, I am thinking about making a really big flying spacecraft on its own level that you fly up into and plant a bomb like the movie Independence Day.

    Edit: This is in response to xKingSasquatch7's posted question about going inside the UFO's.
  10. EpicFishFingers

    EpicFishFingers Ancient
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    Can you actually get inside these saucers, or do you have to just stand on top of them?

    EDIT: Sorry, didn't see the post above me :/

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