Just watched this, and thought it was pretty funny, 2 kids think this guy with no mic is a bungie employee, and start to obsess about him basically... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NAJLswOprVs&feature=related
LOL i saw this a while ago, It's amazing how dumb kids can be. "he crouched! oh my god he wants to be in our clan!!!"
wow. This is pretty hilarius. One time in a custom game. A kid starts going about recon. And says. Oh you have to be a general to be recon, and if you want flamming helmet, you need to be a 5 star general. He's like you can also get it if you beat legendary by yourself. I'm like WTF?!?! If I had a capture card. I'd record that and send it to Bungie. Lol. I sometimes wonder where these kids get their education.
LOL, whata bunch o' idiots. I like when he say "Hey, I was playing shotty snipers the other day and 10 out my 11 kills with the sniper was a headshot" lol wtf so. FUnny ****, funny ****.
OMG!!! He works for Bungie then he must be good. Yeah, let's see if he wants to join our clan! Omg, He wants to be in our clan! *June comes and both kids start asking for Recon* I laughed so hard when I heard this, It's so funny how they beleived how he was going to work for Bungie without asking any questions. I bet this guys inbox is going to get spammed with "I can has Recon" comments.
Wow these kids are retarted. hahaha. The best part was when the kid started freakin out that he was crouching. "HE CROUCHED OMG HE CROUCHED!!!" That was hilarious.
LOL I love how he got soooo excited when you crouched. That was a great vid, hope you make more with them!
LOL thats hilarious. Reminds me of this video one of my friends are working on, a montage of reactions of people to his recon, its absolutely hilarious. But this is...a rank...lol...
I love how stupid people are. Some guys including one Bethesda employee decided to play some Halo 3. Well we get into a game and we talk about stuff in the lobby and one guy on the other team asked me if someone had heard about Fallout 3 and he said no. The 1st guy says did you like GoW? 2nd guy: Yah. 1st guy: Made by the same guys. Of course we just started laughing our heads off. People are idiots. Its sad.
Wow some people can be so stupid. i mean seriously i went on tonight and i said veto everybody said no but than i said veto and ill give you recon armor and everyone did it than i started saying lololol and they all got pissed and called me a "phony big fat phony"