ive been trying to stay away from foundry, but im in the forge like a pro contest, and am in production of an amazin map! :] DL Reign Supreme and let me know what you think...
First of all I feel I should congratulate you on not using foundry. You don't see very many maps now a days on different maps. Further more, most of the maps you do see off foundry don't work very well. This one looks fun to play. Now, I must also say good job with using the geometry of the map when forging. You don't see much maps like that. Most people try to make the whole map from their materials and avoid the pre-made geometrical features of the map. Not only did you use the geometry well and you did not use foundry You are also very original with the design and gameplay. I have to say that you are also very clean with your forging, which is very appreciated in this specific type of gameplay. In my opinion you are a very unique and clean forger and should try and improve these things even more than you have already utilized. Great job with the map. I request another please. The only thing you could do better in is your post. Not that it wasn't good it's just, it could be better. You should proof read and look for grammatical errors in your typing and maybe make it a little more clean like your map. Anyways Good job.
I mean no offence what is up with the poll i mean i do not even knwo what its asking no offence but you should repost this w.o the crazy poll
somehow someone changed it.... it never said cheezbergers, it was saying/asking if you like it better than Hangar 02 Is there a way to fix that?
Hum i must say that i dont think there are enough changes to the map to give you a five star. but it is very good and you have my download. i'll try it out then get back to you. the geomerging reminded me of a small one versus one map i was going to do but never got the time. Thanks for that. on that note i'll give you a 4.50/ 5.00.
I've only had a chance to do a Forge Through, but as soon as I get into a party of customs I will give it a whirl.
The gametype Reign Supreme has encountered probs... its strange but youll see what i mean if you test it out. mayb if i make everyone on a team... but idk yet i need to perfect it. hah evryone seems to like it, and their astonished i merged on Rats nest... hah hah ok? im glad you like it, but definatly try it out with at least 8 people Its pretty fun if you play it right. the tanks add for comp... and the power weapons are rockets in back mid, the missle pod, front mid, and snipers, each side outside, and shotty, scenery room.* each side... the tanks sometimes get flustered, this would be the time to leap on and punch that sucka! hah :] Still Trying to Perfect Reign Supreme if you didn't already notice...
Not very often do you see a map as good as yours, never the less on Rat's Nest neither. Well, it looks very superiorly forged with the gameplay necessary to create a great map. Good job! 4/5
So... you didn't DL? well please do so and then tell me what you think... because its much more helpfull
Great job! I think this is Completely unique in its own way. Geomerging looks fabulous and gameplay lools sweet! I rarely see great rats nest maps. Love the bridge and territories idae. Nice and original with a smooth feel. 5/5 and again great job!
This is a really unique idea, and a solid map, but I wouldn't put it above Hangar 02. I love Hangar 02's simplicity. Not to take away from your map, but some classics aren't meant to be passed, such as Cat and Mouse, or Stay on the Swings. I would put Hangar 02 up there. I did download, and it is a good concept, better than most Rat's Nest maps. It also has good geomerging. I just wouldn't pit it against such a well-known and classic map.
facts speak for themself... i know everyone loves hangar 02, and i just wanted to see if mine came close, and by far the people who voted said yes it was, BUT \ i know there were prob some noobs who voted... NO EFFENCE noobs... ya know... seeing people liked it made me happy, specially since theres not alot to do on Rats Nest... I made it for the love of Objectives :][: and playing rats nest in MM every match... IT GREW ON ME... Halcyon is accually pretty fun to play with people... yuo need at leased 3v3 and thats a min... its a brreak from foundry and a crowd pleaser. :]
This map is EXCELLENT. Everything is clean, and you made great use of non-foundry. Looks great, and is sitting at my 2nd favorite rats nest map.
First off, this map looks GREAT. The geomerging is revolutionary and clean for a map like Rats Nest, and has some aesthetically deatailed points of interest such as the ghost spawn. and truly earns a spot on my hard drive. 5/5
Thank you everybody for your support or positive feedback :] its a pretty cool map for objectives and slayer and so on... Thanks again, Be sure to check out Vagabond too coming soon...
wow this is a good map. i love how it isnt in foundry, which gives it a change. I like the geomerged boxes, and the propane tank idea is genious lol. Good job!