Hey guys. Thought I’d give a little bit more punch to the community and help with easing the design layout process most forgers struggle with. Download my Halo 3 forge Sketchup components and show your creative designs in a more pristine and accurate scheme. Download – Google Sketchup Download – Halo 3 Forge Foundry Components ForgeGuru.com To open custom foundry components for drag and drop: Select Window > Components. To save a picture for web and devices: Select File > Export > 2D Graphic. The Export 2D Graphic dialog box is displayed. Useful Hotkeys: Select - Space Bar Line - L Move - M 3 Button Mouse Navigation: Zoom - Scroll the wheel to Zoom in or out. Use your cursor to choose the part of your model you zoom to Orbit - Press the scroll wheel like a button and hold as you move your mouse to Orbit your model Pan- While Orbiting, hold shift on your keyboard to Pan I hope this Sketchup Model file gets used well and becomes very useful to forgers with great designs and Ideas. Let me know if there is a problem with my site servers. Feel free to participate in the forge like a pro contest at forgehub.com and have fun with this. - Fritzster
Wait... is this the whole thing? or just the objects? cause I don't see a foundry there, but I hope I'm wrong... Either way I <3 you
Ivory Snake, look at the blue floor and the white walls. It's got Foundry's shape, just not the surface textures and such... EDIT: Just downloaded and installed both components. I must say that despite the slightly off proportions on some of the pieces (the walls are too thick), this program is incredible. Not only does it use Google's easy-to-learn interface, but it also easily accomplishes in manageable time everything that we're able to do in Forge itself. Now if only Bungie would let us use something like this to design our maps in...
wow this is great. i don't even want to forge anymore. i just want this thing to do all the work. yea seriously this is amazing. is everything perfectly in proportion? cuz i would really like to just not go into forge anymore unless i have to. and on this program when you zoom in, it feels like you're really forging thanks dude you're a real credit to the community
Thank you this is very very helpful to the Forgehub community. I don't understand why do we have to download the Google one instead of just downloading the foundry sketchup thing. Please PM me for the reply. (Sorry if its obvious, I'm just 13)(But I am NOT a squeaker and all that stuff) BTW +Rep 4 U
I find the MLG one pretty good for getting the map geometry done but I do sometimes wish it had things like fence walls and fence boxes. This looks pretty good, its got a lot more components.
Your a legend with this. I doubt i will use it for full designs as i never design something down to perfect accuracy, but it will definately help me greatly with explaining my ideas to others.
Stickyyyy! Just keep it up here at least a little, then if we're too high on sticks, move it to the important threads stick.
hey, how do you geomerge using doors with this program? i've been trying for the last half hour, but they just won't go down. lol jk. anyways, i was just wondering if you could do this using the blackout items. that would be really helpful. also could you make shield doors please thanks again for the wonderful components
Wow! This looks great! I'm downloading everything and will come back and edit this post once I've tried it out. EDIT: I tried this bad boy out...and it is amazing. The only map planner that I've ever really been satisfied with. I will use this SO much in my future maps. Thank you so much for making this. I'm telling you: this program will eventually be used by ForgeHubbers everywhere. It's easier than forging on Foundry itself! lol.
Ummm i love you are the words i must be looking for This could possibly replace the foundry designer for good!!! Thank you
Amazing! I've been waiting for this! I can't flip objects though... having a little trouble with the new program.
amazing...You finally gave us your sketchup tools. I thought you said you werent going to release it though?