Devil Spark Envy Spark Divine Spark Shattered Spark Tell me what you think (and be sure to pick one)...
These are pretty dam good if you ask me. They all have such great effects. The last picture I had no idea until I looked at the description. Doi! The second one is probably my favorite. It has the best effect which makes the guitly spark look so cool. Yay Vorpal.
Envy is by far my favorite out of all of those sparks. They are all nicely done. I just don't know why the envy one is so attractive to me.
The first are the best by far .. And the other two are still really good .. The first one looks amazing with the firey type effect . And the envy one is very coool .. Well done .. =]
These are pretty interesting pictures you have, exspecially of Spark lol Its usually pretty hard to get pictures of the monitor that have a good background besides on Foundry Good job
wow i didn't know vorpral was a screenshot enthusiest. well these are pretty schmekz pics my friend. great job. like the rest the envy effect is the best
Wow, those are all epic winsauce. I really like the second one, that's my vote. The lighting is awesome and really well done. The third one has a nice effect too with the bubble shield and the first one is different with thee red colors instead of green. I really like them all, nice job Vorpal.