lol, very funny, and very creative, check it out:
LOL> That video is retarded. Funny also. You can also send spam messages to the other enemy team. So once they read it in the game you get to kill them and tea bag them. pwnpwn newby.
"Pee in a bucket since you're to lazy to go pee in the sink" lololol That was funny. I wanna see more videos leik dat.
Omg i found this like 3 months ago, it's so funny! Blame it on your faulty controller, the lag or your crappy team mates
lol ever since i saw this video, ive been complaining about my controller being broken whenever I die.
lol althoughs things we said are what people actually do. What i love about it is when he said the lag and how true iot was. When a person knows he just got owned and notices that he has 3 bars not 4 then he uses the lag excuse