No more doors? [Answered] Ok so i have one door on this map i have, the door is with the unlimited budget glitch thing. Suddenly i cant put down anymore doors and there's still only one door on the map. Does anyone know why this is happening?
Either you accidentally set the run-time max down by one. You downloaded a crappy Unlimited Budget glitched map that was unproperly glitched. Or you were forging with other people that were lagging or joined and quit.
Read the forging 101 section on unlimited budget glitch. Or if you understand this next part. Set the runtime maximun ONE higher. If you can't , save and quit. Start it up and then change it. If you still cant, then you might have to delete some stuff.
Delete like what stuffs? Cause apparantly the save and quit didnt work. edit: nvm, i got it working. Thanks
delete some useless stuff on your map to make more budget. If you don't have any, then your pretty much screwed.
this has happened to me a couple times. Its just what happens sometimes when you forge. You might need to get a new money glitch map if you screwed that map. I have one if you need.
just an extra tip. If you have passed your money limit by ALOT and have no more doors, use windowpanels. they sink into objects and don't cost anything...