SKY BATTALION I, Shadows Demise, Have decided to make a pelican of my own, similar to coolants, but i made it!, how do you know that mine is my own? mine feces the opposite direction of coolant's. Here is the goal: Here is my product: Now, I made the pelican, but thats not very original now is it?, so i went the extra mile and added A PHANTOM!!!!!! The Goal: The Product: The Interior of the Phantom Click Here to Download SKY BATTALLION
That is creepy how well built. They completely resemble the real ones in camping its just shocking how much these I don't even know what to say but to maybe turn some boxes the opposite way. 5/5 For this map.
um, maby you should work harder. i dont want to be mean kid, but i have seen some realy insane remakes of these and yours doesnt come close. i understan how frusterateing it is to forge and how time consuming it is but never let your lack of patience win over you. take the time you need to build the best creation as possible. better luck next time =)
I really like the Phantom, but the Pelican, not so much. I have seen better ones but keep working at it and you will eventually fix it up. But the Phantom is amazing.
kinda remindes me of a map I have seen earlier. Anyway, are these all on the same map? I would be more fun if they are. I didnt read I dont feel like reading (long day at school)
This is very well complete considering this was built from pure Foundry material. Although the pelican has been done before, perhaps many times; however, the Phantom has never even crossed my mine, and probably thus of others. Great aesthetics! You should at least attempt to create some other vehicles or structures. 5/5
Wow, these ships are simply amazing, Ive never heard of someone creating the Phantom, and never even thought it could be made this well, the Pelican, also, looks awesome. Nice job, I give this a 5/5, and it's cool how Bungie made the boxes green which made this look more like the real thing.
i kinda like the pelican, but the phantom seems a bit flat, while the original is quite bulgy and curved, nice try though
I like the phantom but the pelican.... eh not so much. Its cool and all but it is very sloppy the Phantom on the other hand is very original seeing as though i have never seen anyone make one before so good on ya! Ill rate the aesthetics Phantom 9/10 Pelican 5/10
cool idea! you really did a bang-up job on this, i really like the fact that there are benches inside the pelican, very cool. it would be nice to see a scaled up version of this, like a HUGE pelican on avalanch or standoff, ill put that on my list of possible ideas. i give the pelican an 8/10, and the phantom a 7/10
they both need work but your getting there keep it up they are both sloppy but can be fix with hard forged work i dont think you have added the small hole inn the photom the hole troops drop out
I do not like the pelican, because it is not original, and is not the greatest. The phantom is not to attractive on the OUTSIDE, but the NSIDE looks great. I like that you interlocked on both. make a map with a little battlefield and the hals of Foundry blocked off, now that would be kewl!
As for the pelican, I have seen better. There's nothing bad about it, but nothing shockingly good. Certain things on it just need to be made to scale. But the phantom looks flawless from outside. Of course you can't do much with the inside due to limited space, but it still looks great. You should turn this into an objective map with the objectives inside the drop ships.
I see how this is an aesthetic map but I am assuming these ships are on the same map, I think this would go great with a good capture the flag map in between both of the ships. Immagine how fun that would be. Hopefully players wouldn't run away from the battle field or gameplay. Nice Map (or ships ) lol
The phantom looks nice but the pelican needs a little work.I like how you tried though.You don't see alot of maps like this anymore so i give you credit
In a way this was a preliminary attempt, i wanted feedback on how they looked, i am however in the process of making it compliant with both CTF and assault gametypes
Sounds cool also I would make it so that players arent capable of leaving the map because that would not be fun during a CTF Game. and maybe throw aesthetics and cover around the base of the ships
well i have to start off by saying u saved the post by adding ur phantom. great job. while i do think that your phantom is better than ur pelican, they're both very good. the phantom captures the shape of the phantom better that the pelican captures the shape of the pelican. u should have added a hole in the bottom of the phantom. that would be cool lol. 5/5. nice job!
i have seen many maps like this. and it also looks very bad. you need to try harder and do creations not many people do