
Discussion in 'Featured Maps' started by Pegasi, Nov 4, 2008.


How would you rate this map?

  1. Poor

    10 vote(s)
  2. Okay

    0 vote(s)
  3. Average

    1 vote(s)
  4. Good

    12 vote(s)
  5. Great

    35 vote(s)
  1. DeathToll77

    DeathToll77 Gone For Sec
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    No surprise here at all, I was a little skeptical a first. But after playing on it and walking through the tunnel, I was like this map is sooo epic!!
  2. DieHardAssassin

    DieHardAssassin Ancient
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    From Pegasi's post, it doesnt sound like it. Sounds like it traded gameplay for aesthetics, so I don't believe it is budget glitched.

    "As far as aesthetics go, Xyience is only able to boast clean forging, as MLG maps must be within the default budget limit, but the forging on the map is spectacular."
  3. xSharpshooter94

    xSharpshooter94 Ancient
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    omglol is this guy serious dude. this is a featured map and featured maps have been poste dand dubbed one of the best out there so dude this means you think one of our best forgers is terrible...hmmmm....smart
  4. evan12075

    evan12075 Ancient
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    This map could very well be one of the most fun MLG maps I've played on, as well as one of the best aesthetic MLG maps I've seen. It was the very first asymmetric MLG map I've played on, and the first one I've seen make good usage of a teleporter and plasma pistol. The weapons seemed perfect as I loved the choice of the custom power up as the main power weapon. The spawns were, a little iffy when I played, but I'm pretty sure I played on an earlier version. The lines of sight stretched very far and provided a little variety and the "on-edge" feel while playing.

    To sum it all up: Xyience gave me the ultimate MLG expierence, the feature is well deserved.
  5. s3anz2

    s3anz2 Ancient
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    Woah, thats cool. I just downloaded this map two days ago and it's awesome. Great gameplay, It really deserved a feature. All the interlocking is very clean and looks good, and the weapon placement is perfect, even though there are few weapons on the map. I seem to recall that right near your third screenshot, to the left of where the pic is taken, i was somehow able to get on a lower-lying fence box that was blocking the wall. Especially in the case of team games, you might want to somehow block people from getting out of map. Other than that, great map and i expect that a lot of time will be spent by me and my friends on this map. 4.5/5
    #25 s3anz2, Nov 5, 2008
    Last edited: Nov 5, 2008
  6. the persister2

    the persister2 Ancient
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    Woooooooow, amazing job, it's almostly impossible to make a four leveled map on foundry like that, this is a new map, there is no feeling of foundry, there also is a rocket launcher and a sniper rifle= Epic win.
    And it's even MLG based, just like that, forge masters I say, forge masters, those are the epic and deserved words you get from me.

    Oh and btw, This (^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^) is a very very epic fail D:<<<<<<<<<<<<
  7. ShaggyxChipmunk

    ShaggyxChipmunk Ancient
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    wow...looks really clean great astetics(yes, i spelled tht wrong wtv) 5/5
  8. desert rat 852

    desert rat 852 Ancient
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    About Time! It should have featured months ago. Both aesthetics and gameplay are phenomenal. I myself am a staunch MLG critic, and im not impressed very often, and this might be the best one since Hype. Plus it kills Onslaught, but thats unrelated.

    Desert Rat 852
  9. Ewok2870

    Ewok2870 Ancient
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    #29 Ewok2870, Nov 5, 2008
    Last edited: Jul 26, 2013
  10. IrishBeast

    IrishBeast Ancient
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    First off, I love the people who rate this as... "poor"! Well whoever was in he vid, was very good! K, the map... It is very clean and it looks, just b-e-a-utiful! The gameplay seems right from the vid. It has nice gun spawns, and the multi-levels attract me to it a lot! Nice map, great post!

  11. DeKnoZx

    DeKnoZx Ancient
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    Alright so i am here as one of the creators of the map to answer some of your questions.

    Q:Is the map budget glitched?
    A:No it is not. It was made focused with MLG gameplay in mind and possibilities for a chance for testing for v6 for the mlg pro circuit. What this means that if it was budget glitched it would automatically be ruled out of any possibility of being tested or even looked at for v6 and would be not as respected from mlgpro.com's forum members.

    Q:Have you made a matchmaking weapon set version?
    A: Of course, with the Atlas being opened up by Shiska this was a must and also because we know that everybody here isn't MLG fans so we wanted to fit everybody's liking. Here is a direct link to my fileshare where you can download the matchmaking version that will be submitted into the ATLAS on bungie.net and where you can download the MLG One FLag variant created to play a new style of MLG. Bungie.net : Bungie Online : Halo 3 File Share

    Q: Its NeXn still forges?
    A: Yes, he does. He is actually working on another 4 floored map that can be viewed over at Mlgpro.com's forge forum in a sketchup. The map name is divison and it is pretty beastly. Though he didn't forge this map. He designed it where as Ivory and I forged it.

    Q: Where are all the pictures?
    A: See original thread, the pictures taken by Pegasi are actually new pictures which add new views of the map.

    Thanks for all the feedback and appreciation for this map. Honestly this map never would've been made without Ivory Snake and Nexn. All of the hard work on the map has deffinitely paid off and i hope to come back to forgehub with some more crazy maps in the future. I am glad people are liking it and consider this my first steps into forgehubs community =]
  12. ForgeGod117

    ForgeGod117 Ancient
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    Review for Xyience

    This review will be split into two parts. The actual map and the way it is posted. These are the two main things that make a good map, that doesn't fail.

    map (overall=4.75/5)

    Idea: The idea for a four story map is absolutly revolutionary. It has been done before but I've yet to see a map that uses all the height possible in gameplay. Nor have i seen it used so well. Also adding to the epicness of the idea is it's distinct charateristics to Damnation, one of my personal favoriot halo maps. The fact that this map is symetrical also adds to this map. A remake, sort of, of Damnination, great use of the entire height of foundry, and it's symetrical. what more could players ask for. Wait, it supports MLG gametypes while still playing well with other non-mlg games. (5/5 unbelivable)

    Aestetics: The use of aestetics in both competitive and, well aestetic maps is becoming more common. It seems that maps now adays must play well as it is aesteticly pleasing. This map is no different. The colums made out of bridges with walkways going around is a great aestetic and plays really well in gameplay. The supurb interlocking and geo-merging make this map even more inceadible. The smoothness of the interlockes makes this map look smooth as well as eliminate some un-called for grenade bounces. You should probably add interlocking to the floors made of walls cause if you can do it and it improves map quality then it should be done. (4.75/5 almost perfect but not quite)

    Gameplay: Gameplay on this map is epic. the key to this map is elevation. The higher you are the better you'll fight against opponets. A concept that has been used before, but as said earlier not nearly as well as in Xyeince. The clean interlocking and geomerging really pay off in this catergory. When playing this map avidly players will almost never encounter an akward grenade bounce, or hit a bump that causes them to miss their headshot. Xyeince has angles ranging from long and open, to small and enclosed. This really mixes up gameplay, which is good. Gameplay wise this map is great but not perfect. (4.50/5 A few erros but not many)

    Post (overall=3.5/5)

    Overall: Not going to seperate this section up, just get right to the point. The post kinda killed this maps unbelivable perfection to me. Pictures? where are they, this post only has three pctures, a good post needs atleats five pictures for a small map. Pictures should highlight weapons, where the team spawns, and key points of battle. Speaking about that, captions are useful in describing pictures and explaining whats going on. Because of the lack of pictures i can not tell where the windo walkway or sniper platform is. Also a weapon list would greatly help players learn and stratagize their gameplan. ALWAYS include a weapon list, it needs it. One of the high points of the post is the desription which drew me in to read the post. (3.5/5 not te best i've ever seen)

    AKILLYEZ Ancient
    Senior Member

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    this map seems pritty good. from what i can see, the forging looks very smooth and i dont see any flaws. the map itself looks like it has ok gameplay, ill have to dl and find out for myself
  14. iTs_NeXn

    iTs_NeXn Legendary
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    Thanks alot for all the comments everybody.
    If you want more pictures and a hell of a lot of details on the map including a sketchup, check out the original post HERE.

    Yes, I am still forging.
    Though, not as much as I'd like to.. I still get on every couple days to work on Lockdown v5 and Division (which is a new 4 story asym im working on,) and of course play for awhile.
  15. Iv0rY Snak3

    Iv0rY Snak3 Ancient
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    NeXn, if you want help on division (not that you need it) I'm happy to come in and merge a couple things if you want

    as for the guy who wrote the big yellow review (which honestly raped my eyes to read) there is only allowed to be three pictures on a featured map. It's one of our standards, if you want more go checkout the bottom link on the first post.
  16. DeKnoZx

    DeKnoZx Ancient
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    I really i am glad to see that you have posted such a nice review but about the post section of your feedback. The feature post is nothing like the actually thread. The actual thread alone has 3 pictures of startegical jumps around the map. i hope you can view that thread and see what you think. Overall i can agree with your feedback and am glad. One other thing is that the walls in the back are merged and geoed. They're actually as straight as anybody will ever get them. If you don't believe me go into forge and try and find a crooked one in anyway =P.
  17. pinohkio

    pinohkio Ancient
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    did we play this in ivory's tgif once, i think it may have been tgif 13?
    oh well it looks more refined now and hopefully the piteral area is fixed to prevent spawn trapping
    i just remembered the day after tgif watever, i versed its nexn and zonked in a game, that was good fun even tho i got meh arse kicked
  18. JoshRicks

    JoshRicks Ancient
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    Needs a few more images... but a dl from me... 4.5/5
  19. asian num 69

    asian num 69 Ancient
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    try clicking on view original post for more info, it has more pics for u, and the map has a video thats WAY better than a bunch of pics. ur new here arnt u?

  20. mlgfreak

    mlgfreak Ancient
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    nice you did a good job i like the map

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