There Is the link to the video if this doesn't work correctly. Actors: MAJOR PWND PR0PH3T 0F PAIN A NeedIer Voices: demon2447 wolfmansam xkevlar Camera and Editing: payegg com A NeedIer If you would like to star in my next machinima then leave your gamertag in a reply along with what you want to do to (act, voice, camera, etc.)range:
This is amazing. Great job. Do you make just these machinamas or do you make like action ones too? Just wondering.
Great job... I liked how you didn't use the same scene over and over again because everybody does that to be lazy and you are prabably the first person who didn't do that on a halo 3 music video. GREAT JOB. 5/5.
This has been posted before. Use the search feature before posting. Not to be mean. The thread was posted by Dragoncoals, and is past Necro, so don't post on it. As for the video, it's pretty good. I like it. And the song is pretty pimp.
Take a deep breath, this might come to shock to you, but you are not GeneticSpartan, nor did you ever appear in any of the DarkSpireFilm's videos.
Seeing this thread pisses me off its made by GeneticSpartan a well known member of the halo community. Everyone in this thread is an idiot and dumbass for praising him when, he did not make the video. hell it even says genetic spartan made the video in the video!