Note: I did not make this videos and I only posted them for your entertainment. First video: Posted by lazermatt. Second video: Posted by eminem0massari. Third video: Posted by Shadow7263. P.S. If you leave a comment that is good I MIGHT add to your rep. But please add to mine. DON'T FORGET TO ADD TAGS. Try to watch these clips without laughing or grinning. Girls will laugh \/:lol: Braveheart \/mg: Boys will laugh\/:haha: NO NEGATIVE COMMENTS.
I smiled at the second and third vid... can you check out my Viva La Vida machinima...
hahaha I coulnt do it. The second one with the girl getting hit in the face was hilarious. Great finds
I smiled a little bit at the second one, but I started laughing a bunch at the third. The first wasn't really that funny though.
I frowned continuously. The only part I came close to smiling was in teh second vid in slo mo... but I didnt.
Please! Read the rules before you post again! No advertising at all! Ugh. I kept a straight face through-out the vids. The only one that made me smile is the Arabian guy on the third.
I've already seen the first and second ones several times, and the third one might have been amusing if the same thing didn't happen to all of them.
wierd. I have seen all of them on youtube before, so I really didnt laugh, but when I first saw it, it was hilarioius
The first 1 was kinda funny, but the music was hilarius. The second one. I couldn't stop laughing at the slow-mo. The 3rd one. It was just funny. So in conclusion, I laugh when people get hurt. =]