HALCYON Halcyon was firstly started off by goofing around by getting into the skybox on Rat's Nest. This soon evolved into a Cop's and Robbers map, but there was somehitng missing. I then forged around, deleting everything for it, and then i made a version that was made for jailbreak gametypes... This was soon cancelled, an deleted... After about a month, I came up with ideas. Thus, Halcyon was created. N ow it is a stategic objective gameplay map that works well with slayer too. This map is set up for every gametype. There are is an extra bonus gametype that comes with the map. It's called Reign Supreme and the link is below the map link. Please experience... Halcyon... The Base where you spawn... The bunker with Brute shot Geo merging came into play... right in front of bases... Where Oddball/ Rockets spawn... main hallway... The outer ledge with merged tunnel / structure... missle pod start... Rocket over view of main hallway... Black side shows up on both sides of each collum Shotgun / scenery room... Overshield Hall... Camoflauge Hall... Ghost spawns here... above rockets There are propane tanks above every door in the hallways... GAMEPLAY / OBJECTIVES, Escort / Rocket race Territories King of the Hill Oddball There are more gametypes since it is set up for every type... The map was made for 6-16 people... This map is very well thought out so no complaining about the one hallway with not alot in it... that is for the scorpion to pass or nest in... The merging took a few tries so don't say its bad, because for Rat's nest the merging is amazing! :] * HINTS * The propane tanks are there for a reason, shoot them a second before they pass through door, to ensure pain! When playing CTF or any game in general, parking a warthog in the merged boxes is a quick escape for some one who grabbed the flag to jump through the box by getting in... this will give you a sec to heal, and the enemy wont expect it, as long as you dont move the hog... Getting the ghost down is a process... you need to get a grav lift from outside behind the pallets, so you fly up to it, then press to flipp. If you try to get it down by grenades, it will only blow up... Grav lifts get you to good spots, dont waste them... Download HALCYON Download Reign Supreme /\ / \ | | Reign Supreme is a Juggernaut gametype in which every one starts out as enemies, the first person to get a kill gets to become the Juggernaut. Every time you die, you are out of lives, but when someone kills the juggernaut, then everybody spawns again, no matter what... So don't get accustom to killing eachother or only 1 person will be alive, and that means that if juggernaut kills him, Juggy wins and game over... This game is VERY strategic to make sure that you aren't killing eachother even though its tempting. You need to kill the Juggernaut, then unleash hell! *Summary * Every one starts as a bad guy... First person to kill someone is Super Cool guy... Bad guys should work together to kill Super Cool guy... When Super cool guy dies everyones starts back as a bad guy even if your out of lives. If everyone dies but Super Cool Guy, Then Super cool guy automatically wins :] Hint * When the Juggernaut dies and you know you killed him, use that 3 second period of time to kill everyone around you, that way you'll have more chance of winning. That only works if youre in the lead. DL NAO hah
This is really cool. Overall I have to say EXCELLENT use of the Rat's Nest original tunnels; you were able to promote your own feel to the tunnels using perfect geomerging and great weapon/vehicle placement. I generally do not find maps outside of foundry to be particularly unique, but this certainly is one of the few that is unique. 10/10, great work
I love how you were able to incorporate the game types and the geometry of the map together. It looks great (territory flags on the bridges, merged box quick getaways in CTF etc). I don't see that done very often. A definite download for me.
Looks like a fun map to play. First geomerging I have seen on Rat's Nest. The KOTH hills/VIP Go-To Points look very cool. A DL for sure. 9/10 from pics/description Edit: This map is as good as it looks and then some. I like the set up of the flags/bombs/territories etc, and the sniper location is original (took me forever to find it. I even looked under the tank first). With short respawn times on the power weapons, any game is sure to be intense... the fact that two tanks are present on the map also adds a great deal of intensity. The only thing I saw that I might change (and this is just what I would have done, but you may have done it this way for a reason) is to move the three grav lifts a little farther away from the open box so that it is easier for vehicles to get up and so that you can jump from there to the bridge going the other way. And I think it is easier to jump up and over the pipe to get the Ghost down than to go all the way to the grav lifts. Or just use a rocket (my choice =]). Very nice map. 9/10 from walkthrough. P.S. I like the smiley. =]
Great job with this one. The geomerging looks amazing, and set up for every gametype?! Perfect. I cannot wait to try this out on Friday during a custom games night. Glad you used my banner too! I'll get back to you with a good review later.
This looks clean for Rats Nest merging. I know I could not, so good job! The gameplay looks solid as there are many points of cover throughout the main ring for those who are stupid enough to walk. The tank would be my thing to do probably, every game. The ghost spawn to me seems to be to technical, though tank vs. ghost is just plain useless! The propane tanks show that you can think! The fact that it serves almost all game types is great, not FFA right? Great map, Great post! -Irish
This map is superb. I love the way you even geo-merged a double box open upside down. I was actually practising my geo merging skills yesterday on Rat's Nest. Also your map is set up for every gametype is also pretty cool. I must say, this is better than Hangar 02. You have good weapons placement and good Vehicles placement too!! 5/5 my friend and +rep for you also. A definite download you have earned from me my friend.
FEATURE BABY! This map is the best I've seen on Rat's Nest. Seriously. This should definetly get featured. I've only seen geomerging on Rat's Nest like once or twice before. This is simply beautiful. The interlocking is perfect too. I love it. 5/5
You never showed me this. It looks like you found a way to make Ratsnest fun a feat I didnt think possible! Ill Dl for shure maybe we can get some games there later, and I can see how it plays. I just got access to a computer so I cant comment on game play till tomarrow which I will do, but looks fun. Cant wait to see what you do with the Transfusion template hope you are still working in that project as well. I'll be back!
Damilkman This is one of the best maps I have ever seen. You are the only one that shows more pixs that make the map give its meaning and gives the member/downloader what he/she will encounter.
Holy Mother of Forge... This is the best non-infection based map on Rat's Nest I have ever seen. This is just superb. 5/5. 10/10. Perfection. And on Rat's Nest. Who'd have thought? It has great interlocking, great aesthetics, and great layout. Great job man!
This is really cool. Overall I have to say EXCELLENT use of the Rat's Nest original tunnels; you were able to promote your own feel to the tunnels using perfect geomerging and great weapon/vehicle placement. I generally do not find maps outside of foundry to be particularly unique, but this certainly is one of the few that is unique. 10/10, great work
Damn you! I have been working on a competitive Rats Nest map for a bit but you bet me to it! It's ok though, my setup is radically different so there shouldn't be any confusion. But good job and I am going to DL and let you know what I think. Also, I have been geo merging a bit on mine but haven't been able to get boxes down far enough, what method did you use?
Great work, you don't see many actual good maps on rat's nest, this is probably the best i've seen. I especially like the incorporation of all those gametypes. That makes it even better. You have clean geomerging, good ideas (propane tanks), and great ascetics. This will definitely be Dled by me and i expect it to be used a lot. Good enough for a feature 5/5
Thanks, ya it took for ever and i would have had more on the map, but i had to make room for spawns... HAHA the : ) ... I tried to make the lifts back as far as i could so they would work like that the tanks definatly intensify th situation ya... and there not a bunch o power weaps either... yay weap/vehc! Ya I was hoping this baby would make it in one of em :] EVERY GAME TYPE!!!! The ghost kinda is very technicle! thats why its there, its tempting!!! hah who ever has the lift can get it and drive off Tank vs ghost works though, because if you get behind it, then that baby is going down... because its too slow ALSO ABOUT GAMETYPES! it works with ffa silly goose... hah why else would i post up a juggernaut game ? a duh! haha BETTER THAN HANGAR 02!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! yay and + rep! yayz im your... friend!? YAHOOOy! mayb you should post in the i want to see featured thread... cough cough hah I purposly didn't show you hah not to be mean, but it was a secret or people woulda thought it was a remake of hangar, which it aint! i am workin on it, but im tryin to finish my pro forge contest map. so ill finish this then that one kk? Lotz o pics = WIN its a secret sry, i dont want * not directed at you, but* a lot of crapzy merging on rats nest levels... / failures and the tanks above the door was a very nessesary idea, because i hate die ing then have them walk away baggin me... this way if you throw a nade, it might set one off and youll get a grave kill Thanks again! its a masterpiece hah a If you like it THAT much, then post it to the i wanna see featureed thread thats a suggestion, not an order... HAS ANYBODY DLed the GAMETYPE!? its not speccifically for this map, but its a fun game type. THANK YOU ALL PEOPLE WHO DL and gave positive feedback! :]]
what were you trying to do there? and thanks you very mooches! :] WHY THE HELL DOES IT SAY CHEEZZEBERRGGEERRZZZ!!@#@$@! it suppose to say better than hangar 02?
Its one thing to geomerge on foundry but when you create cover and steps on Rats Nest then you know you have skilllz. I am loving how you transformed Rat's Nest's tunnels and how you created the ghost's spawn place. I would evan like to see this on the Squad Battle playlist. Excellant job!
5/5! i had to get that out right away. the first map out of foundry that actualy impressed me. don't get me wrong i like out of foundry maps but this takes the cake. with geomerging and interlocking like this on rats nest.... there is no out of foundry competition! keep on forging