This is my second of 4 intense infection scenes from Halo 3 (of course). I tried my best and I hope you guys like it. Please tell me what you think. The original is posted below here My third will be out soon. I am still in the experimenting stage for getting some cool effects in so I will take suggestions (constructive criticism). Thanks people.
I know man, I am getting a one month soon because my xbox broke. I'll get that up to a 50. For now, just keep drooling =D, no but seriously, I am not that bad.
alright the original pic is pretty cool. not awesome but respectable. but with the effect in the De-mo poster i think it makes it look like a noobish peice of crap. bad effect. sorry if im sounding harsh but im just saying what i think needs to be said.
No problem man. I respect your opinion. I really thought before that I should take out the poster effect. I might just do that if it's possible because it really was suppose to add a drop of humor to the picture but it failed hard....