HAHA! I get it. He is taking a huge crap that just flies out. Nice Screenshotand very original spot to take it in. Actually.
Well I can see the joke there but.. I don't know if it's just me.. but I don't find it thaaaaat funny. Its okay though :] What I wana know.. is where that screen shot was taken. Where was it taken? It looks like you're underwater or something Ö
what the hell man, arnet ya gunna give sum credit, my best friend made that and its acualy called "PHHHFTTT" but with a lot more letters. I was there when he took it man, he was over my place when he took it. so just give some credit plz......
eh, week I'm not THAT immature 2.3/5 must have been hard, or a huge coincidence to take though, so props to you for that one.
i would give you credit but when i downloaded the screen shot there was no athour so i couldnt give you credit i just thought i would bring back the picture And were is the ice cream room
the ice room, and its on avalunche, also, whos fileshare did you get it from????Hmmmmmm??? Thats right, xtsxsimmskillx's... How dare you not give credit!
I am trying to figure out how that rocket got there in the first place, I guess its the luck of the shot or you got a good angle on it. Nice screenie
that shot is in avalanche and in the cave u can see under there and get there w/ a turret or the tele clicking i believe i found it once... but never used it n i could be wrong but i believe thats where this was taken...
for some very odd reason, i highly doubt thats your picture.......give credit were credit is due with a bungie link
you guys are fighting over the screenshot you guys must have no lives but anyways dckilla maybe it was in somebody elses fileshare because you can put stuff made by other people in your fileshare so dont give him a bunch of spam just to try and make him give your friend credit when really he didnt know who made it so calm down. ok anyways the pic is 1/5 for me I just don't see how this is funny.
i just extremly doubt it cuz the shot been out for a very long while and i kinda doubt Username loading..... has posted any of his own shots here.....