Wow just about to make this thread..good thing I searched it. Anwyay...ITS ****ING AWSOME!!! Finally they listened to our cries and its hear, and hoepfully to stay. Now I can master the sniper like I did in Halo 2. Thanks bungie!! (Never thought I'd say that)
I played this earlier today. I'm personally not a fan off what I call "power weapon games" eg. Snipers, Rockets, ex cetera.
Lol you failed with your joke .. =] But yeah im so glad it is! Halo 2 i thought was better as it has snipers as a gametype .. However now its on halo 3 so HALO 3 FTW!
You gotta love the playlist man. Bungie finally did something right. The level of competition right now on the playlist is insane. I got matched up with Cpt Anarchy of team Carbon (CbN) and the carbon coach, and surprisingly we won Post Game Carnage Report Link if you don't believe me =D
insane, i played like 10 games and was done because every match there seemed to be an insane amount of lag, like only 2 of those games actually weren't too bad but thats it
Played a little yesterday with my brother and I got two sweet noscopes across Sniperlanche, which is the map variant for Avalanche.