This is one of my best picture's so lot's of comments would do me good. I put this on funny because u can see the arbiter (i think) with the big eye's and it look's like he's scared. Thank you.
Im kinda thinkin you might have put up the wrong screenshot cause there is no arbiter in that screenshot. and well as far as screenshots go, its pretty plain and uninteresting
Yea screenshot is not terrible, but its not good. It is just a lazer that is hitting a banshee by another spartan. Not that good sorry.
Well thanks Bob. And if u look on the right side of the spartan u can see an arbiter ( i think) with the big eye's. Which I think is really funny
400th Post! Just to fuel this debate and show my geekyness, that my friend is an elite. An arbitor is a elite that is sentenced to death by where the armor of the ancients and basically going on a suicide mission to redeem his honor within the covenants eyes. Anyways, the screenshot is ok. I see its comedy, but its not obvious whcih will deter people from liking it.
thanks for reading the discreption i guess and check my other screenshot
I see no point in this screenshot like many other ones that people take its just a laser blowing up something witha elite and spartan. 3/5
To be honest, this is not that great. I mean, it can be funny considering the fact that the Elite looks scared, but it's not like... uh.... loltastic and stuff.
Honestly, I don't like this at all. A banshee is getting lazered (on the ground), and some guy is walking away, with an elite hiding against a wall. Boring- 1/5
I see no point in this screenshot like many other ones that people take its just a laser blowing up something witha elite and spartan. 3/5
it is not that the screen is bad its just that it is boring. alll it is a laser shooting an unmanned banshee. not to exciting
It's ok. At least you tried. The elite sort of looked like he was scared, but it was hard to see. I think this would have been better if you made this into a caption contest.
If you goal was to show the elite, why not of got a close up on his face and show him 'blazed' That's what you wanted and more people would have relized that.