Heres a picture i took on a second account a while ago ( right after the legendary map pack came out) hope you like it ( this is no effect or anything, i just took it for fun) linkage
Lol, never thought the handle of the sword looked like a mic, VERY creative, and pretty funny. 8.9/10
Haha, that's pretty good. It looks a lot like a microphone. I never have seen an energy sword used like that before. Very creative, good job.
jeez mr. negative, we are just trying to have some fun, besides, hes singing, what is funnier than a spartan, highly trained weapon of mass destruction, holding a mic singng???
Ummm....... :C This has been done many many many times before and its kinda getting old no offense brah but ... yeah.
would be hella funny if u could make it... SANJIA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! zomgzomgzomgzomgzomgzomg lololololololololol cerial i would say 9/10 lol funny and never seen by me
well at the time it was made, there was only one picture alike to this. Plus it wasnt evan staged, with is odd for me, i got it in lone wolves =) also,thank you to the comments saying the creativity was good.
Haha, that's pretty good. It looks a lot like a microphone. I never have seen an energy sword used like that before. Very creative, good job.