Why hello there good sirs! Here's my recap as promised. Hope you enjoy it. (DPoC means Divine Party of Chaos btw) Full Moon Start off 1st game: Mult-Flag on Atrium; Atrium's a fun small map. We had a fun time killing each other and taking flags. Im in ur base, sniping ur n00bs... 2nd game: Team Slayer on Cerebrum; Very balanced map for Slayer types. We had a blast on it. Zombievillian's Judo-Chop! 3rd game: Multi-Flag on Combustion; 15 minutes of divine chaos (I had 59 of the 295 kills of both teams)... Grave-Killer Overkill! Purple Chaos 4th game: Purple Bunker; lag made this go by fast/fail... =\ The round wouldn't end even though we killed them all...(actually someone joined and we had to wait for him to spawn) 5th game: Loyal Snipers (FFA) on Distortion; Pure madness, death, lag, and fun. "What the hell is going on here?! People are walking up/down walls! " Wall-Walkers Assassin of Assassinators 6th game: Loyal Snipers (Team) on Aerialis; Snipe-tacular. Purple people and pink all around getting their faces blown off by bullets. Vicious Vice getting brutally sniped/beat down... Freaky Monsters 7th game: Cave Freaks; Freaky cave people attacking not so freaky dudes... This is why they call me the Mini-Game Guru Vicious Vice being a ninja-cave-freak 8th game: Peasant Hunt; When I play Peasant Hunt... I like to... spice things up... > It's a trap! (but he doesn't know...) O hai! *KABLAM!* No, you're not seeing double, there's actually two of them. This is what happens when the hunter likes the party leader. (We dance!) DeathToll went AFK so I had some fun with him before I killed him. I had this guy take me to the other dudes... TRIPLE KILL! 9th game: Tremor 'n' Mouse; Sadly, I didn't get the chance to take any screenshots for this game. But it was very fun and a lot of cool things happened. If you were there then you know what I'm talkin' 'bout. (more in the next post)
Black Cats 10th game: Cat 'n' Mouse Chase; Classic Cat 'n' Mouse is a must in any TGIF... plus it's my favorite mini-game of all times. This is what happens when the Cat doesn't spawn right away... 11th game: Snow Mice; Cold hard barrel rolls all over. Very fun, very epic. Believe it or not... this mouse gets away. Like I said... he got away. Before and After... 12th game: Satellite Mice; Flips, Wheelies, Barrel Rolls, and flying cats? lawlz. Timeless doing an epic wheelie... Before/After... This actually hits/gets the mouse killed... Group Pic 13th game: Standoff; Rocket Race themed group pic. <3 Go figure everyone isn't looking the same way. lololol So there you have it. I hope you liked it and I hope to see you all next time!
I was only in two pics. V_V Anyways this was a great TGIF Vorpal. Can't wait to see other ones form you.
I'm in like...no pics lol...you should've said who played, but w/e this TGIF was amazing, besides me getting lagged out 5 times...
I wasn't in the TGIF but from the pics I can see it was fun. I hope to be in the next one, and in your party too Vorpal.
I'm in like...no pics lol...you should've said who played, but w/e this TGIF was amazing, besides me getting lagged out 5 times...
Epic TGIF Vorpal, one to remember. My dead body is in a couple of the(go figure). Hope to be in some of your future TGIFs. Too bad, I didn't see a pic of you letting me finish my wheelie before you killed me. Shame. But, anyways, really good. And Vice got to join, Vorpal + Vice = Epic Win TGIF DPoC. HaHa, in the group picture, Timeless was on the back of my Mongoose and AFK, that is why he is facing the other way.
YAY! you got the pic of me being chased by the flying mouse! Thanks for doing this man, its always fun.