Discussion in 'Halo 3 Race Maps' started by Sqorck, Feb 25, 2008.

  1. Sqorck

    Sqorck Ancient
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    This map has been updated, visit here for the new map.
  2. Tarnag X

    Tarnag X Ancient
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    It looks alright, but more screen shots would help, I have no idea where that first jump goes, or whatever else happens in the track.

    The events sound interesting, but to see where and when they happen would also be nice.
  3. Sqorck

    Sqorck Ancient
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    I'm working on a digital top view of the map.

    edit: Its up
  4. Billy Reloaded

    Billy Reloaded Ancient
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    The top view is nice but I'd like to see more pictures of the actual map. Your concept of the changing laps is quite original and I appreciate that, especially on a Foundry map.
  5. Sqorck

    Sqorck Ancient
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    I'll go film a game on there that might help.

    Edit: I got lots more photos for you guys and the video I just uploaded to youtube, it will be up soon.
  6. The Hudacris

    The Hudacris Ancient
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    can you please just post a few more pics plus the video. Make sure its youtube.
  7. Sqorck

    Sqorck Ancient
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    The video is up now.
  8. GoodWhaleSushi

    GoodWhaleSushi Ancient
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    howdaphuck do the changes work?
  9. !nikheizen

    !nikheizen Ancient
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    Innovative Idea, I'm dling, and I will repost as soon as i get a few games of it done, and by the way, Green day sucks.

    Sorry, I had to say it.
  10. The Hudacris

    The Hudacris Ancient
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    Thank you for posting more pics. When i get my xbox back i will assurely download.
  11. Skill Caster

    Skill Caster Ancient
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    Great map, I love how you used timed map events to make the course change. Very professional :D
  12. Coaster Rider89

    Coaster Rider89 Ancient
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    I just downloaded and commented/rated over at B.net. I can't wait to check it out! The use of the timed spawns to change the course during the race is ingenious!
  13. Sqorck

    Sqorck Ancient
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    Thanks guys for all the feedback I cant wait to here what you think after you play it. Oh and yes greenDay sucks but I liked that song so I downloaded it.

    Its all based on the place at start option and the respawn timer. I star out with a small loop then stairs appear and you have to go a longer way around.
  14. Coaster Rider89

    Coaster Rider89 Ancient
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    Well here's some quick feedback. I just played it by myself and the changing course was really cool, until I got stuck under the spawning steps. lol. Once I restarted I was able to see the rest of the changes. IMO some of the turns were pretty hard to navigate, especially in the later variations, but I think that would make it pretty fun with other people. The changing course is pretty awesome, great job being original. The actual layout of the track is kind of poor, but it's not horrible. I'd give this a 3/5.
  15. MNM1245

    MNM1245 Ancient
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    Looks pretty good. I really like your 180 turn
  16. !nikheizen

    !nikheizen Ancient
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    This is My Formal Review of the Map

    Overall Enjoyment Playability Creativity Appearance Balance

    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]

    Overall- Despite a few minor annoyances, such as the unneeded man-cannons and a few of the shield doors, this is a very creative and very innovative map. Despite not being a very big fan of racing maps I enjoyed this map more than most maps. The aesthetics were good, and made me feel as if I was actually on a racing course.

    Enjoyment- I really enjoyed how this map played out and a racing map that changes is full of surprises and is a new experience, the only thing I would think to be changed would be the non-invulnerability, I got run over while trying to get back into my 'goose and had to start a lap again, can't remember if I lost a point though.

    Playability- Good playability, but several things about the map really "Ground my gears." First off, the man-cannons on the turns, move some of the shield doors there to replace them. Take away shield doors that aren't on turns or ones that are there to block off areas of the map, especially the shield doors at the 180 turn, they just get the racer stuck. The 180 turn could use a bit more interlocking(very bumpy), and you might want to think about replacing the double boxes that come right after with bridges.

    Creativity- Despite being a racing map, this is very creative and innovative, as I have stated before. Love it.

    Appearance- Some crooked walls and an overuse of shield doors, but the barrels and roadblocks at a few of the turns reminded me of a real race course.

    Balance- The main problem, as with all racing games, is that it is hard to catch up after you've lost the lead, and since there are quite a few chokepoints on the map, it can be hard to move past other racers. Generally though, the score is usually quite close, unless some one tries to cheat.


    • [*]What does QR- SSS mean?
      [*]Very good map, very original, hope you improve it and make a version 2.0.
      [*]This is far superior to The "Bungie 500" in my opinion.
      [*]Try using the unlimited budget glitch next time, it will allow you to block off the areas that aren't meant to be used from access.
      [*]Sqorck, you have a talent.
  17. Sqorck

    Sqorck Ancient
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    OMG I never thought I would get anything like this thank you so much for your work TurboGerbil. That there is what I first thought of when True told us we were going to have forums. The stuff you wrought is great, it really inspired me want to redo this map. When I first made this it was because I saw Bungie 500 and was disappointed(though it did have some great stuff) So I tried to make one of my own. If you saw my other maps you would see that I love detail, but I started making this just so it would be fun and when I was done I tested it a lot so no one would cheat but when I tested it I found it to be fun and tried to rush it out so others could see how fun it is. I see now I shouldnt have. About the unlimited budget glitch thing I did it and some time when I was tweaking it some one deleted something that runned it, so now I have to do some stuff to fix it. As far as the name, it sounded sweet at the time so my friends started calling it Quick Racing on Super Sonic Speedway.
  18. !nikheizen

    !nikheizen Ancient
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    Yeah, that review took forever to write(especially getting the amount of spaces between review sections right up top), I based it off the format in Rick's Recap, which is part of the Furious Review, I've decided to review a new map every week, and this is my first review. I really do hope that you re-release this map as I loved playing on it.

    Yeah, some one deleted a wraith on one of my maps, thank god I'm not using vehicles!
    The name is very nice.

    I nearly forgot, the jump where that bridge appears 90 seconds in, the first time I got fooled and made it all the way across(happens if you get a boost from a mongoose underneath you), you might want to make that more obvious, and that jump isn't very smooth, you often flip.
  19. Sqorck

    Sqorck Ancient
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    Yup that one is on my list. Thanks again.
  20. RubbrDuckE

    RubbrDuckE Ancient
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    I really like the changing course as you go. That keeps the race unique and different, rather than repeating the same course over and over again. Good work

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