LOLLOLOLOLOL Evan though I'm pissed at you, that post was kind of funny. I still love you. Guess what? I have only posted 2 maps. I can't spam the **** out of people! I don't bump my maps because I don't double post. Both the SpaceAge and Code Impulse threads are dead and they havn't been commented on in over a month. How does Saberwing know I don't have a ****? He made my sig... I thought he was my fwwwwwwiend.
It doesn't matter how many maps you posted, ever single member on this damn site got a comment saying "lawl my ****ing spaceship map is up, look *link*" Noone cares, if you put some time into actually thining about a layout like everyone says instead of making all those geomerges your maps might actually get featured, but they play like ____. And double posting isn't the only way to bump dumb ****. Just ask people on live, you dont need to be a ****ing suck up.
Alright peeps, hold your horses. GDBludeDevil: Yes, in part Y35 is right. You do sorta have people make several parts of your map. You just kinda coordinate everything like some big boss, that hires people to do certain jobs from them, then just puts all their work into one to make a map. Although you did give credit to everyone on the Code Impulse map, I just never felt too happy about helping you do the map, because I felt that you weren't doing much. Even though you probably built some structures here and there and came up with some ideas. But you have got absolutely no right to go and attempt to flame Y35, with false accusations, nonetheless, having no reason for doing that. And yes, you do spam the heck out of people's profiles and stuff. I actually deleted some of your posts, cause I hate advertisements where they shouldn't be. And I couldn't agree more with Y35 on the rep part. If you ever gave **** (forgive my manners oh, interwebz) about rep, then, I honestly have no advice to give you. Oh, and if you ever just made maps for the sake of being featured. I thought video games were to be played for fun? Whatever, I don't want this to become some sort of flame war. Just please, get back on topic people, and pretend this never happened.
E93 is right. I did more work than you guys gave me credit for. But I gave people credit on the Code Impulse thread for the smallest stuff. Like pointing out a flaw or testing. Most of the names up there are for testing. Forgive me Y35. I am sorry. And I don't care about rep at all. Evan told me you were rep whoring so I got the impression thats why you were banned a while ago. Do you accept my appology. With this post I wanted to see what everybody else thought about our map so far. I didn't mean for you guys to take it as advertising or taking somebody elses work. I will have this locked. But do you accept my apology?
Theres more Quote: "soldieroffortune7 Quote: (19 hours ago) Yay, I helped with the geomerge at 1:19. I'm so proud. Lol. -AmercanPsycho" Wait, who does your maps again? I just happened to be in the party at that time, so I helped him, I didn't do the entire merge. Just helping, not making the map. Nothing against you guys.
I think a good idea would be under your big bridge thing that blaze made before that connects with those double boxes, would be to just have like two double boxes merged together on the longways and split that into 2 paths under the bridge. If you get what I mean.
You mean you teabagged yourself while I made that bridge overhang thing? Cause thats what happened! I made the bridge. Not Blaze. (to the comment about me )
No, remember when I helped put the teleporters around the double wall that was merged into the wall? ...then I tea-bagged my body lol.
Anymore flaming of any sort or anymore off-topic discussion and this thread will be locked and infractions will be handed out.
OK Bl00d (and everyone) me and Y35 sorted out or dissagreements over some beer. We are friends now. Oh and BTW Official, do you want to be a tester of High Voltage?
Hey it looks good. I like the back sections of foundry the merging is very clean and took skill! I do not like, at all the random doors and stairs in that one side!!!!!! That is all I can complain about. The walkway of stairs by that random pile of doors needs one wall or even a barrier for a small bit of cover!