November 5th, 2008 CNN Uses Hologram Technology To Beam People In If you are one of those people who went to bed early on a historic night, shame on you! . Last night’s election coverage was great. it was fun, exciting and the fact that the first black president of USA has been elected is certainly something that will be written in history. Besides the winning of one of the most popular presidential candidate in the history of US politics, there was one more thing that seemed to cause quite a stir : CNN’s use of hologram technology. Some folks say that people are causing this to be too big of a deal but when was the last time you saw someone being beamed in on TV for real? No, we are not talking about Star Wars and movies for you movie buffs out there waiting to pull some names out to shut me up. We are talking in reality, the use of technology being debuted for real. Last night CNN took this step and debuted this technology for the first time on TV. It was pretty crazy. By the way, with what was predicted couple years ago we are still behind in terms of technology and last night for some reason I felt like we have entered the 21st century. Enjoy the video below : personally, it's about damn time too. Holograms fo' real biatch!.Source site EDIT: Because this excited me so much I looked into it further. Turns out it was quite misleading. The 'hologram' wasn't so much a hologram as it was a camera trick. This is how it works; There are cameras around the person who will be the hologram and they are set up to work with the cameras on our end watching the interview with the hologram. They all talk to each other so that when the camera on our end moves the so called 'hologram' moves on screen to make it look authentic. The person that is interviewing the 'hologram' in this video can not actually see the guy on stage. Only on the screens. So it's just a well done screen overlay. That's it... Boo hoo right? Mother ****ers try fool me... Next subject.
When I saw that on CNN, I shat bricks. Coming from the Star Wars generation, it's pretty ****ing unbelievable that beamed in holograms are really happening in my lifetime. Thank god Fox News didn't have it first, lol.
Still, it was close enough to impress the **** out of me (when I was pumped full of wine). from Gizmodo: On the subject's side: • 35 HD cameras pointed at the subject in a ring • Different cameras shoot at different angles (like the matrix), to transmit the entire body image • The cameras are hooked up to the cameras in home base in NY, synchronizing the angles so perspective is right • The system is set up in trailers outside Obama and McCain HQ • Not only is it mechanical tracking via camera communication, there's infrared as well • Correspondents see a 37-inch plasma where the return feed of the combined images are fed back to them. Useful for a misplaced hair or an unseemly boogar • Twenty "computers" are crunching this data in order to make it usable On the HQ side: • Only used on two out of 40-something total camera feeds that CNN has • Wolf Blitzer really loves it (or loves Jessica Yellin): • The delay is either minimal, or we've gotten used to satellite delay that we don't even notice now • An array of computers takes the crunched info feed from the subject's side in order to mesh it with the video from Wolf's side. • Unfortunately, it doesn't look like the images are actually "projected" onto the floor of the CNN studio so that Wolf can actually talk to the person, you know, in a face to face. So it's not quite Star Wars just yet. Only after computers merge the video feeds together do you get a coherent hologram + person scenario
Look up Teleportek. That is what is being used. Nothing really fancy to be honest, just one step farther along the lines of video phones. My mom has been trying to bring this down to New Zealand for business programs at A.U.T., Waikato University and Massay University. She even has one of their smaller systems sitting in her garage right now.
I was expecting that chick to say something along the lines of: "Help me Obi Wan, you're my only hope." CNN, "The Most Trusted Name in News," except of course to the right wingers who favor Weasel News Network.
That's cool. I need one o' dem halmomagram machines or whatnot, but really I wish I had one. EDIT: Just read your edit. Angrysurprisedface >=O
Still pretty cool in my opinion. Even if dem bitches tryin 2 trick meh I kind of like CNN but prefer MSNBC, it's just a bit less... um retarded
I think it was rather cool, i want to see more sweet stuff like that. I think we need to see more technological innovation such as "holograms" and other sci-fi type stuff.