foxhole v2

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by haruki jitsunin, Feb 20, 2008.

  1. haruki jitsunin

    haruki jitsunin Ancient
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    Yeah, that part took me the longest, I have to say. It was the hardest part, too.
  2. ferrari504

    ferrari504 Ancient
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    this is a really great map...looks like you put a lot of time into it
  3. haruki jitsunin

    haruki jitsunin Ancient
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    I did, just the construction (not playtesting) of this map took 15 hours... a lot of time.
  4. iversonrocks03

    iversonrocks03 Ancient
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    This map probabaly one of the best maps I've seen in awhile. Everything is nice and neat and interlocking was efficent. I played a game of slayer on it yesterday and nobody had any problems with it and said it was fun and wanted to play it again so I congrat u for that.

    Nice work and Im excited for future maps by u
  5. haruki jitsunin

    haruki jitsunin Ancient
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    Well, thanks, it's nice to hear that from someone who isn't my friend... XD it seems that my friends always up-play my own map.
  6. Furious D 18

    Furious D 18 Ancient
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    I just checked out V2. I really like it. The flag placement is exactly what I was thinking, and I really want to test it out in a real game.
  7. haruki jitsunin

    haruki jitsunin Ancient
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    Yeah, what I did with the flag return points is place it on the opposite side of the level that the flag spawns and up top. So basically, you cross the level, grab the flag, go upstairs, go across the level, return the flag.
  8. gorebound

    gorebound Ancient
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    I haven't checked out version 2 yet but I'll write a review on it as soon as I can. The addition of CTF that you've made sounds good.

    Peace // gorebound
  9. Tarnag X

    Tarnag X Ancient
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    I just downloaded this map and played through it, and it sure is fun! Certain weapons (shotgun and rockets mostly) seem to make the game play tilted a lot toward those weapons, almost always resulting in a spree for the person with the rockets. However, the map design is superb and the interlocking makes the whole thing really look and work great.

    Anyways, was my mind deceiving me or did I see a wraith outside of the map? I could have sworn I saw one while I was playing (I didn't bother to forge through and check it out myself).

    Anyways its great, 4.5-5/5
  10. haruki jitsunin

    haruki jitsunin Ancient
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    Yeah, what I did was use the unlimited budget glitch and instead of deleting things I won't use, I just shove 'em off to the side in case I do need 'em. There's also basically every weapon, equipment, and vehicle back there...

    Thanks for the rate, I'll try to mind my power weapon placement on future maps, I'm not sure what the respawn time is, but it's something like 3 minutes for all of them...
  11. TXGhost

    TXGhost Ancient
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    Author: Haruki Jitsunin​

    Overall Enjoyment Durability Aesthetics Originality Balance

    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]

    5/10 5/10 5/10 6/10 7/10 4/10

    Map Recap: "The base level is, as one could guess, a circle. In the middle of the level, there's a dip in the ground where the rockets are located. Around the whole center of the level is a tunneled circle. There are four ways to the top, two teleporters,... and two man cannons that have an energy drain at the exit. The upper level is, again, a circle, in the center, there are stairs that lead up to the overshield that is hovering over a drop that leads to rockets...."

    What I really liked about this map was the huge "foxhole" in the middle. This looks very clean and there were no jumps anywhere in that part. I also liked the huge drop above the foxhole.

    What I didn't like so much was the weapon/equipment placement. First of all the Overshield and the Rocket Launcher were very close to each other and made someone pretty unstoppable for about four kills, or until their Overshield ran out. Secondly, there was every type of grenade on the map, not only that but there were way too many grenades. Also dealing with the grenades the firebomb grenade was very easy to get and was too powerful in this map.

    Another issue I had with your map was it seemed pretty easy to get out of your map. It seemed if the rockets ever made it up to the second floor you easily launch someone outside of the map. But lastly, the roof seemed to me a big problem. The roof was not completely finished. Someone could easily camp up there and pick off people below. Also it would add another degree of polishing to your map. The roof had a few bumps and I once got stuck in it, not for too long but long enough to disrupt gameplay.

    Overall: Very creative idea, a few major flaws need to be worked out. But once they do this will be a great map.
  12. Sanghelios

    Sanghelios Ancient
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    Awesome interlocking. I'll download.
  13. SwordScar

    SwordScar Ancient
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    Very nice interlocking on the foxhole, will download to check it out

    JASONYO Ancient
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    it looks good, but that respond point right next to the mancannon worries me, do u fly when u spawn there
  15. haruki jitsunin

    haruki jitsunin Ancient
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    No, you don't fly when you spawn... you have every option to turn around and go backwards...


    Thanks for the review... I plan on updating my map as soon as I can peel myself away from my next project, which should almost be finished... What I might plan on doing is having the overshield spawn at the beginning with a 3 minute respawn time and then have rockets show up a minute and a half in the game with a 3 minute respawn time... that way, you really couldn't have both with as much chaos is going on in the game...
  16. JediWithASniper

    JediWithASniper Ancient
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    The Furious Review

    By: JediWithASniper

    Here are my ratings and review.

    Enjoyment: 7 out of 10

    Balance: 6 out of 10

    Durability: 4 out of 10

    Aesthetics: 6 out of 10

    Originality: 6 out of 10

    Exciting is the word I might use to begin this description, while I had very much fun on this map, it was mostly due to the fact that I had the shotgun, and no one could argue with it. This map maintained a decent balance most of the time, but the shotgun and power weapons were way too easy to put your hands on, giving almost an invincibility factor that was too much. The maker of this map told me that he ran out of objects, and so had no way to seal the giant open ceiling. Alas, this plays into a problem, because it is a very easy task to jump to the roof, and either dominate from there with rockets, or just leave the playing field. This map was cool to look at, boasting a pyramid like structure with a long chute dropping into a pit. Very fun, very fast.

    My Overall Rating Is: 6 out of 10

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