I made this quiz after Zstrike made the forgehub quiz, it's just a bunch of questions about me, and try not to cheat, some of the questions you can look at on here, but please don't. heres the link, and please post how how you did. Quiz Your Friends - Take Your Friend's Quiz
90% first go What can i say? lol that's a pretty cool idea and the quiz to be honest is really easy, with only 10 questions and a lot of the information on here anyway 100% could be achieved. I wouldn't say i'm a stalker but i guessed a couple of the "hard ones". I was thinking of creating my own but idk its abit pointless. Atleast now i can say i know a lot about chief wiggum. o and another thing, 0 tgifs what the hell man you are missing out, i really hope you get in on the next one or better yet join my lobby. Me and pegasi can be fun yet fair hosts.
I don't know you well apparently. I think I got 30 or 40% (I honestly cannot remeber because of my bad memory.
i think the highschool question might be wrong, the correct answer is hellgate highschool. is that the correct answer when you guys took it?
I got a 30. I must hate you. But seriously, how are we supposed to know things like you can solve a Rubiks cube or you have a mac? I agree with Linu there. I still like taking these tests. and no it said charleston lol hellgate
90% w/o cheatin mofo... and thanks 4 teh mentshun. Ya, it was all me who got teh idea for these... yea... btw, the second FH quiz will be out soon, as well as FREE CHAINSAWS 4 EVERYONE ZOMG!!!