As some of you may know, me and CorduroyCHUCK are thinking of making a sequel to the already great Super SMASH Spartans map by the name of Hierarch Crown. It is a big success so far but we are trying to make it even better. We need your help on character design and map layout etc. We already have the map fundamentals working but we want YOU guys to help us make it as fun as possible. We were thinking of making a battleship outside of the map in Standoff that characters could battle on instead of a floating platform. Other things such as map width and size are beeing debated on aswell. Lots of testing will be done on this map so it will take a while for it to be realeased. Let us know what you think, this is the chance for your thoughts and opinions to be considered SSS! Changes: -Characters -Character Choosing -Map layout -Map size -Map aesthetics -Balance -Grenade regeneration -Character damage resistence -Power ups Please help me and CorduroyCHUCK with character design, character choosing and the map layout. Characters (give us your suggestions and guidance) Master Chief Weapons- Assault rifle, custom power-up = weapon pickup, frag grenades Marine Weapons- Sniper Rifle, trip mine, frag grenades Arbiter Weapons-Energy Sword, plasma rifle, plasma grenades, power drainer Heretic Weapons-Carbine, deployable cover, active camo, plasma grenades Sentinel Weapons- Spartan Laser/Sentinel Beam, grav lift (flying) Tartarus Weapons- Gravity Hammer, Spike Grenades, Flare Brute Chieftain Weapons-Plasma Cannon, spiker/mauler, spike grenades, regenerator Grunt Spec Ops Weapons-Needler,plasma grenades, bubble sheild Characters (How they were in Hierarch Crown). Master Chief Weapons- Assault rifle, sniper rifle, frag grenades, bubble sheild Arbiter Weapons- Carbine, energy sword, plasma grenades, grav lift Marine Weapons-Shotgun, battle rifle, frag grenades, trip mine Sentinel Weapons-Spartan laser, sentinel beam, plasma grenades, power drainer Brute Chieftain Weapons-Gravity hammer, bruteshot, spike grenades, flare
Oracle -Plasma Pistol -Invlunerable (He never dies in campaign no matter how much you shoot him)(Except at the very end
Thanks for your comments so far. I agree, I dont think being invincible would be much fun either. How would the players win?
Lol, I was only kidding. I'll try to come up with some more serious ideas. Maybe a Jackal Sniper? Beam Rifle and Plasma pistol or rifle
guess who's back back back back again gain gain I'm pumped for coming back in a collaborative effort with maxwell360 in a re-visit to the cult classic, Super SMASH Spartans. The first time around we had smash spartans fans wanting to make their own S.S.S. maps and help out with any new projects. Maxwell360 and i are giving the community that chance for the second round. Keep the ideas coming, even if they are ridiculous For example: Thanks for the input Wakko. lol. and anybody else who has any ideas.
Looks cool! Super smash spartans is an interesting idea for Halo. It seems very promising, and I like the way you are going. While I have not played the original Hierarch Crown, from the screenshots, I can see a few problems and make a few suggestions for balance and gameplay that might or might not be helpful. One problem that I can possibly see seems to be the Side-scrolling layout of the map, and you're already considering it. I just want to convince you further. Obviously, this is done to retain the original layout of the Super Smash Bros. However, I think that such a narrow strip is a bit linear and limiting to the player, and it is better to get more of the feel of the game infused with a bit of Halo, rather than just the Side-scrolling look of Smash Bros. Because Halo is a first person shooter, I believe it would be better to expand the platforms and make the platform have a bigger playing area widthwise so that the player has a more general freedom of movement. I don't know if this is possible on standoff, or if this would break the gameplay. Also, pardon me if that made no sense. Though, if you do increase the map width, the marine might be a little unbalanced, as it will be hard to snipe with the faster gameplay and without the narrowness... I also think that tarturus would be a little overpowered if he confines to close range combat and if you guys keep the original 2D layout of the map. His gravity hammer would easily push others off to the side. Sorry for the hard-to-read block of text and the criticism, just my 2 cents. An interesting new idea would be to add floating pallet platforms. That could add interesting gameplay elements? I dunno..., just thinking Anyway, I think this will turn out really great!
Awesome feedback! I am glad that you decided to make your first post on this thread! We are considering making the map width larger to "expand' the gameplay. However, we may not have enough scenery to make it much bigger considering the new layout of the map. The pallet idea is cool and me and CHUCK had already talk about that. Maybe make a large battleship stage where players fight on the top simulating Star Fox's battleship from Super Smash Brothers. Then the floating pallets in the air could represent the fighters that fly across the stage or the clouds that dissapear after so much usage. I think it would add a new aspect to the game. Like you said about Tartarus being overpowered, the hardest part of this map will be the character creation, however lots of testing will be done so we will switch them around quite a bit so keep checking back here if you are interested in the progress... Thanks alot for your feedback there Phast Phood, I hope that you have a good experience here on Forgehub use the shoutbox to meet the community and keep up the quality posts!
Re: New Super SMASH Spartans/ First Post Whats up? nice to see someone trying to combine one of the best games of all time with another of the same quality. I have never seen your first version of this idea, but i can promise i will be exploring the player attributes side of the forge now. It had never crossed my mind before. As for suggestions, the only thing i can think of now is how much i loved being pikachu in that game. Maybe ( and i'm not really sure how) you could make objects spawn at ceiling level that only certain characters could knock out of the sky and onto the head of another player, with a gernade for instance. Not the greatest idea, but maybe you haven't though of it yet. Anyways, good luck and keep up the good.
Great feedback so far. Remember, this thread is for all of those people who wanted to help make a S.S.S. map and get their ideas heard in this second version!
Brute Chieftain: Plasma Cannon Spiker+mauler/spiker+overshield Actually, overshields might be a little cheap. Grunt Spec-Ops: Needler Plasma Grenades Weapon pickup will be a little overpowered for master chief. I'd love to help you guys test this.
Nice, character ideas there I will put em up, maybe he should have a bruteshot instead of spiker because the Brute Specialist has the spiker already... or do you think I should switch it around, as in give the specialist the bruteshot and the Brute chieftain the spiker+ mauler? EDIT: I just removed the brute specialist altogether. Thanks for the Brute cheiftain character Turbo Gerbil.
sound good but I'm not quite sure why you would give the power drainer to someone with the sword and a plasma grenade. If their main weapon normally kills in one hit and requires you getting up close, this seems like bad match.
Thanks for giving some thought to my idea! That's actually a very good point, perhaps giving the arbiter a plasma rifle secondary would be a better choice. And you spelled Guidance wrong in your first post on this topic. Two suggestions about your characters in the first post: the Sentinel Beam is a very powerful weapon in the right hands, with the Spartan Laser and the sentinel beam, the Sentinel character seems a bit too powerful. Master Chief seems like the best character from this standpoint, if the player using him waits for the other players to die, then gets a quick killsteal, he can have an Energy Sword/Sniper Rifle Combo and full grenades very quickly, which equals uber pwnage.
Well, actually Master Chief is not as overpowered as you may think. He has the weakest weapon in this game, damage resistence has been enhanced to 500% so it will take even longer to kill. It takes 6 hits with the sword I think because of oversheilds. Remember we are going to test this aswell so don't worry, anyone who his overpowered will be changed. I also, gave the Arbiter a Plasma Rifle along with his sword. I also spelled guidance write- (supposed to be spelling error)!
For a hunter character I would take the splaser away from the sentinal and give it to the hunter character. I dont think MC should have weapon pickup, that pretty much ruins the point of the CLASS system. So basically picking MC means you can make your own custom class. Maybe make the custom powerup give players a small power or health boost. Give it to MC, Hunter, Brutes, and others of your choise.
just checking on progress. Send me an invite some time when you're working on this, i'd love to help and i'm also still a little confused, i suppose i should try the original. like is said before though, great concept.
Well, I am not sure when CHUCK is actually going to start forging, we already have the fundamentals down from Hierarch Crown, now we just need to get it done.
Forging will start in a week or two, until that time just keep throwing out ideas and suggestions. Max, i'll need your help to organize some things in the improved class system while i get started on construction.