Now that you are here I must have your attention. There a people going around saying that Barack Obama is not legally qualified to be president. I am one of those people. This birth certificate was provided by Obama to the LA times. This was printed in 1961 i did not know there was computers back then that made documents in all caps. Based soley on the article and the certificate do you believe he is legally qualified? Look in the bottom left of the image.
Did you ever think he had a copy printed recently to give to the press? That would explain why this looks too advanced for it to be from '61. Plus at the bottom, it even says copy.
I'm pretty sure Obama wouldn't have made it this far into the campaign if he wasn't a citizen of the U.S. Of course he's a citizen.
The government knows things. I'm sure they checked the info before letting him run for president of the United States.
Why did you even make this thread? That statement you just made is ridiculous. How would you know if anything is official? You'd have to have the person who created the document tell you himself that's it's official, and he'd have to be telling the truth. Just stop, it doesn't matter.
The government has not released a official anouncement though. Edit: Fine. Can a mod please close this.
Does the government have to? I mean, shouldn't it be obvious enough to see that if someone is running for president of the United States he must be a legal citizen. The government isn't stupid. Edit: ...that stupid.
Oh, you're one of those kids who thinks that the government is our best friend and tells us everything, like what they ate for lunch and which stuffed animals they sleep with.
I am not one of those people at all but when information might be vital towords national security I tend to try to trust our ****ed up government.
I sense you're concerned about Obama. I am too, but I believe he's a legal citizen. If you wanted to get into detail about Obama's past, we'd go on forever.
Personally, if you can tell, i dont trust Obama at all. There is something about him that upsets me but I'm not sure what. If Obama doesn't blow up our country with his terrorist friends or if he is not assaisninated while he is in office, i will leave ForgeHub forever. Nemi even agrees with me (sig)
Dude at the bottom it says its a COPY of the certificate. It could have been retyped or they could have done it with a type writer