Cartoonizer Well, I just found out about this site, that allows you to Cartoonize whatever picture you want, from your Computer, from the web with a link, or you can use your Webcam. It's got some nice effects you can add, like some extra stuff, and smudging, etc. I thought I'd post this up, seeing as how you folks enjoy this kinda stuff, as I enjoyed it too. I did it with a picture of myself, and it was purdy funny... So, feel free to post something you did, or w/e. Here's something I did: (no, the beckham thing wasn't me, just an example)
Ooh, that's pretty useful too! I 'll post them up on the Universal Resources Thread, and yeah. They'll kinda be hidden over there though, just wanted to show what they did first. Thought you G&A folks would appreciate it...turns out not so much...