TcK SideStep

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by SwordScar, Feb 25, 2008.

  1. SwordScar

    SwordScar Ancient
    Senior Member

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    [red]TcK SideStep[/red]
    Created by TcK SwordScar
    Supported Gametypes:
    Really, any game variant was in mind for this all around map.
    Map Description
    TcK SideStep is one of my earlier maps, using 3 floors and an elongated field. The map is longer than wider and can lead to the sniper fights being great. Just enough cover to sneak around and stick that guy you dont like in the face, just to talk trash.

    This map is asymmetrical as you would soon find out, but neither base has a huge advantage over the other. The sniper spawns up top, where most of the action is, and the active camo is inbetween the bottom hallways. A regenerator spawns inside the middle double box open.
    red base to center
    [img width=800 height=450][/img]
    makeshift stairs
    [img width=800 height=450][/img]
    red base
    [img width=800 height=450][/img]
    yellow? base to center
    [img width=800 height=450][/img]
    Have fun with this map, and thanks to the critics of the tck clan.
    Download TcK SideStep
  2. Sage

    Sage Ancient
    Senior Member

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    its rare to see only the left(or right) side of the map so its a cool idea can't wait to play
  3. Hornet 3 0

    Hornet 3 0 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Whoa thats a lot of teles. Are they functional or are they just for looks?
  4. SwordScar

    SwordScar Ancient
    Senior Member

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    looks, it spells out tck if looked at from yellow base

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