Debate Postpartum Abortion

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Jimbodawg, Nov 4, 2008.

  1. Jimbodawg

    Jimbodawg Ancient
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    Postpartum Abortion

    A baby is carried by it's mother for nine-months, and it finally makes it way out into the beautiful open world to take it's first breath and have light shine down upon it from God's embrace.

    These moments mean nothing, because moments after the baby is born, it's soul will leave this earth, so soon after it's body just entered.

    The baby will be killed.

    Postpartum abortion sickens me. Although I do feel slightly better to know that it's illegal, but not for too long.

    Did you know that Senator Barack Obama will be legalizing postpartum abortion considering he wins the election?

    Take this into consideration.​
  2. RacoonSniper 13

    RacoonSniper 13 Ancient
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    Its a little late but I agree with you. I am not 100% against abortion but postpartum abortion is technically murder. That is why we need McCain in office.
  3. Randle Scandal

    Randle Scandal Ancient
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    one issue decides a president for you.

  4. Nitrous

    Nitrous Ancient
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    Gross...Your entire post was disgusting smear tactic and you should be ashamed of yourself for spreading such malicious lie.
  5. Jimbodawg

    Jimbodawg Ancient
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    Just because you practice a different religion doesn't mean you have to insult mine.
    Plus, that's besides the point.
  6. drak

    drak Ancient
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    no, its exactly the point.

    You have to stay neutral, and not mentioning it is the way to do it.
    Plus, like randle said already, one issue decides a president to you?

    Wow, grow up, learn about world's issues...goddamn
  7. Nitrous

    Nitrous Ancient
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    It is not that you used god to support your own political opinion it is that you poisoned the well and proceeded to lie to me. Your post was a disgusting smear not what I quoted.
  8. Linubidix

    Linubidix Ancient
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    All I get from this thread, Jimbo is "**** Obama, he wants to kill babies!"
    Correct me if I'm wrong.
  9. What's A Scope?

    What's A Scope? Ancient
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    You're right.

    Anyway, I don't think it's horrible. Some times people have reasons.
  10. Linubidix

    Linubidix Ancient
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    I think of Postpartum abortions as murder. The baby is alive, it is a person.
  11. What's A Scope?

    What's A Scope? Ancient
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    How is it much worse than before it's born?
    I guess it's murder, but like I said, people don't just say lets go baby-killin'! Some have reasons.
  12. RadiantRain

    RadiantRain Ancient
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    Reason # 1 = "I can't afford to pay for him."

    Enough said. Obama supports the murder of babies... We don't need more than one reason not to vote for him. Although I can provide more.
  13. Jimbodawg

    Jimbodawg Ancient
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    This threads' main topic is postpartum abortion.
    You mentioning that my religious 'smear' is disgusting is besides the point. It's what I believe in, and there are others that believe the same.

    There was no need for you to come in here being an inconsiderate asshole.
    This site is all about following the rules, however it seems even a site admin will fail to follow the rules. We all break them at times, but you have a large influence on this site.

    I have no problem with other religions, or Atheism, I respect others religious views.

    I have nearly lost complete respect for you. Never once have I insulted you, yet you constantly seem to be against everything I say.
    If it was exactly the point, I would have made a different thread discussing the religion I practice and possibly have political issues with religious influence.
  14. dented_drum

    dented_drum Ancient
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    In all fairness, the man hasn't said that this issue decided the election for him. Nitrous saw the word "God" and immediately attacked. That was fail. Sdrakulich kindly noted for him to stay nuetral. SERIOUSLY? There is no man-spoken word that is unopinionated. There is always context. There is always opinion, even in his post. Linu is the only one who went about a differing opinion in some form of gentlemanly manner. RadiantRain agreed, but with the least logical support I've seen so far. Have you people forgotten what your website is supposed to promote? Pardon me, but I started being active on ForgeHub because I could disagree with someone and neither of us would be an ass about it. At least disagree with something relevant. Politics are too frivolous to stake your status as a respectable website on.

    This isn't me defending the guy, because I thought he went about a good point very poorly. This is me calling what I see, and I see some you guys just being dicks because you disagree.
  15. Mastar

    Mastar Ancient
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    What dented drum said is truth.
    Thank you.

    If I were able to vote for or against this exact issue.. I probably just wouldn't vote at all.

    I'm not sufficiently informed in the matter.

    However I think that if it were to be allowed. It should only be a solution to a very small number of scenarios like rape.

    If the parent/s can't afford it, then I think government funding should be provided as an alternative to shooting the baby.

    oh and sdrakulich. You need to chill the **** out. Maybe it is you that needs to be more mature. I keep seeing you insulting/being a **** to other members. Lighten up :]
  16. Nitrous

    Nitrous Ancient
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    You ARE mistaken. Your religion is not a smear, a smear is "this product is fantastic, Obama once pissed on it, do you want him to piss on that product as president?" YOUR ENTIRE POST WAS A SMEAR. Focus.

    As for me quoting your bit of religious dogma, it was only to show you the ridiculousness of it. Did you not see the logical fallacy? Do you even know what one is? It is blatantly obvious you "poisoned the well." I am disappointed in you and even more so in dented for not having the ability to see that.

    You can interpret my posts in whatever bullshit way you want, just know I'm going to challenge you if deviate from what I was getting. I did not attack your post because you said god, I attacked it because you implied that Obama was anti-god.
  17. Tristan28

    Tristan28 Ancient
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    I was for Obama and I agree that is wrong and is the same as murder. Also I think that abortion should be legal. There are just to many teenage girls getting pregnant right now. And if I were a baby I would not want to either be her son or go to a foster home.

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