Ancient Temple This map is centreed around an excavated Forerunner Temple. The temple is located in the centre of the level with two large buildings on each side that act as bases. This map works well with all game modes but is best for two team matches such as capture the flag. Unlike most forged foundry maps this one includes the entire map. [img width=800 height=450][/img] The Temple [img width=800 height=450][/img] Veiw from Temple side [img width=800 height=450][/img] Back of Temple [img width=800 height=450][/img] Temple top, reached by jumping around [img width=800 height=450][/img] Inside the Temple, serious close quarters [img width=800 height=450][/img] One of two symmetric bases [img width=800 height=450][/img] Base interior Map download link:
looks good, i like the forerunner idea. its hard to mimic within the limits of foundry's forge palette. I'll get back to you after i check it out. it'd be cool if Bungie came out with a forerunner-based map like Foundry sometime in the future. Damn that'd be tight.
Do not advertise. It looks a bit messy, but playable. The off-centered double boxes give the map an unclean feel to it. What I do like is that this would really work for a good EVA-CQB map, except for the fact that there's shield doors covering many entrances.
MY BAD... You know by advertising my map on his forum, I am giving him views and comments. Which translates into publicity. I won't advertise anymore. Don't touch my Cheese :squirrel_rubberduck:
Please DO NOT advertise or "Claim" maps in the forums, its against the rules. Thanks for the comments , sorry if the map is a bit messy it was my first attempt at some forging tricks such as the interlocking objects featured in Forging 101. Feel free to edit the map slightly if you wish but don't "claim" you made it.
Wow, I didn't claim I made your map. I put alot of thought into the design and gameplay elements in Titan. I was merely suggesting that the two maps looks similar. When I look at your map I think of my map. This map follows a "U' shape. My map follows more of a "W" shape. This map does look a little messy though, you should spend more time fixin' it. Instead of a central wall connected to a structure, my map has a "U" shaped mulit-leveled fortress seperating the two bases. Plus my map has a Wraith. Don't steal my cheese. :squirrel_rubberduck:
(haha Colonel Chewy) To get back to the map, I can see much of the bases. I know you are trying to make a point that the Forerunner is an essential part to the map ( which it is), but I just thought that seeing some pics of the actual bases would help me get a better idea of how the objecive based games would go. And like what previous people have said, try the interlocking technique, trust me it will help.
Just embedded two pics of the bases, which are both almost exactly the same. One pic shows the outside of the base whilst the other shows inside the base. :squirrel_giggle:
Don't double post, just edit your first post. From what I've seen the weapon density is a bit high and as such, if i play this map I think that I'll end up with two power weapons, overshields an equipment and full grenades in about 30-45 seconds, please tell me if I am wrong though.
There are quite a few power weapons in this map but i focused them along the middle of the level so even if you do get a lot fast you'll most likely die fast still