This is my first well merged my by my standers. wich are not high. So please bear with me. One team spawns on the top and one team spawns on the bottom. --------------------------------------->LINK<----------------------------------- : Bungie Online : Halo 3 File Details Weapons & Equipemts TOP FLOOR: Snipers x2 Trip mine MIDDLE FLOOR: Battle Rifle Shotgun Plasma Gernades x2 Trip mine Bottom Floor: Battle Rifle Shotgun Plasma gernades x2 .......................................................LvLz................................................................ This is a view from the bottom floor.wich is were one team spawns. Another over look of the map. As you can see it is a fairly small map but some intence fighting can go in there. This is map can be used for slayer or team slayer.Only be on the blue and red team. If you dont you will spawn in the wrong places like out of the map. Plz rate my map. And if you do get out there is an easter egg
Not a bad attempt, however you are missing a DL link :0) Also you need to change the title. The name is fine but all the extra stuff needs to go. Just go to edit and the "go advanced" and you can change it. As far as the map, it doesn't look bad, but judging from pic number 3 you can escape fairly easily with a grenade jump.
This looks good. I like the idea and the interlocking is clean in almost all of it! I would say that it is way too small for a two teamed game maybe just FFA. Just reading again i found the list and, TRIPMINES SOUND FUN! Wow sorry just went off. I would suggest making a FFA version of spawns and gametypes. Oddball with stronger ball people would be fun, I think.! All in all your map is clean your post is right and you are a good forger, keep it up! *Edit* The map does look like with a grenade and two people would be escapable! -Irish
Bummer. And not to be an pain, but the title of the thread can only be the name of the map, nothing else. In this case LvLs is all that should be there. We like it that way because it's uniform and doesn't clog up the forums Bungie style :0)
Well, he did say there was an easter egg outside the map and its barely Kwanzaa yet, so the grenade jump would not be too bad...
Well, it looks like it has great merging, and it looks like a very intense map, which is what me and my friends like. However, it seems like it would be a little unfair to have on team spawn on the bottom and another on the top. Plus, since its such a small map, spawn killing looks to be a problem. It also looks to be escapable, which is confusing to me because there are not that many materials used in the map itself. It would recommend using A and B signs to make it inescapable. I could be wrong though, if the invisible ceiling gets in the way. Anyway, it looks like a great (second?) map that would be great for fiesta or KOTH.
i quote all about the nade jumping i the third pic... Does one team spawn at the bottem of the "hill?" If they do, they would get nade spammed like hell! Other than that, pretty cool map! Nice interlocking, makes the gameplay even better! likaZOMGZ 3.5/5!!!!
Uhhh i think i will just make it a free for all map and if you guys want you can put a and b signs there i just did want it to look bad. i walk the same thing all the way around to make it look good.