!!!!!!!!!!! This is my second post and i still cant post pics and i dont know how to so sorry but download it its really well built and leave good feed back nothin like this isnt forge hub standards or something gay like that please
How, may i ask, do you think this is up to standards at all??? you cant just apoligize for not having pics, they are NEEDED. simply take the pictures on theatre mode, Go to Save the pictures to your computer Go to the photobucket Upload the pictures there, copy the image code for each image and paste them into your thread. k? You also need a description. ugh, all of these spam threads are driving me NUTS
um ya u already no this isnt up to standards so y did u post???... and there isnt even a link to DL by ur 2nd post u should no the guidelines so i wont give u links 24 hrs... and ur map will be WHIPED VIOLENTLY FROM FORGEHUB 4EVAH EDIT: 1.take pics in theater of the map... 2.go to and find urself and go to recent pics... the pics .... the big version... 5.make account at photobucket and click upload... 6.paste the part that has
Please tell me how we are supposed to know what this map looks like, are we going to look up your gamertag and find it on your fileshare, no we are not. We are clicking the map, seeing nothing, and leaving. This post is not up to forge hub standards you need embed pictures, and a dowload link, and also a description which you have but can be describing the map a little bit more besides this map is awesome
You probably should have found out how to post pics and then made your post, don't you think? You should probably read up on how things work first. I tried the link provided and it seems to not work for me.
Ok you have a download link but you still need to embed your pictures by posting the url of the picture into IMG tags. You can get the url by simply starting a photobucket acount and inserting your pictures to get the url. Please people, we know this post is not up to FH standards, and we know he has 24 hours to fix it, please do not spam this thread, he gets the point. Every other post regarding the format of his post not being up to standards is spam
If you knew you still didnt know how to post picks and that since is your second post without pics you would probly know that the post wouldnt be up to standerds. So ummm why would you post a second post and get an ifraction?
HERE IS HOW TO EMBED SCREENSHOTS IN YOUR POST: Please do not comment on this post anymore because this link above shows exactly how to embed pictures and this is what you should probably do if someone does not know how to embed pictures into their fourm.
Dude, you have to get a photobucket account bring up the screen take your recent pictures that you have and click them to make them larger take the picture, copy it, and name and save it into paint open that picture up in photobucket and save it there. copy the IMG code and paste it Here your done do that for each picture until you are satisfied that everyone can see this tight map Go superjerk and yes, my 360 IS BROKEN! =(