ever noticed how in alot of games wrinkles in cloth will be stuck there or not there at all (ie. assassin's creed, most sports games, COD4)? a friend sent me this and it looks pretty sweet, if only this worked in games...http://www.custom-logic.com/exp/cloth/cloth.html
Because 3d animators are too lazy to make the cloth dynamic??? .... interesting thing you got there though. It does look elasticky.
That is quite spiffy, but I imagine that having so many more dynamic polygons which would interact with the polygons on character models would be quite hard indeed...
maybe, but i feel its better than how much time they seem to put into random things. if they want realistic graphics, moving clothes would be the first thing in my opinion. imagine assassin's creed, except seeing his robes and stuff swishing realistically...i dont feel like its IMPOSSIBLE, they have 2 or more years to bring out AC2
i dont think its possible to have it perfect during this generation, at least not on the 360.. maybe on PS3 because of the extra humongo storage of bluray, but still, developers have to remember that the GAME is whats most important in the end, not the graphics.
wastes too much cpu for what it does, I would rather have awesome lighting and particle effects and explosions than bouncy cloth.
yes, of course, but think about how much time they put into all those random things, and all those stuff the people who go 'omg teh grafix' if those were just a bit less, and instead was a good, not perfect, cloth system
I agree with you for action games like assassin's creed(which actually has an okay cloth system) or sports games where you actually see your character, but in fps where I will never see my character and will only see the enemy for brief periods through my sights I would rather have the biggest explosions, realistic smoke, and beautiful lighting than wasting precious memory and processing power on some thing I won't see 99% of the time
thats true. i hadent thought of that, so lets exclude FPSs on this. assassin's creed doesnt HAVE a fluid cloth system, it has fake creases like just about every new game does. true, the cloth does move nice in some of the animations, but normally its just a fake as far as i can tell. the only game ive seen it used is the NBA Live/2K series games, and not done particularly well, you can often see shoulders going thru jerseys, jerseys going thru shoulders, shorts missing completely (lol yes ive seen it), etc
This has sparked into a graphics war! I'm gonna have to say that I'd mush rather have explosions and particle efeects over swishing clothes. Most of the games I play don't have cloth wearing characters in them anyway.
lol yeah, my cousin has College hoops 2k8 and their shorts would bounce when they where just standing there some times and the shorts would like go crazy during a dunk. and yes assassin's creed's cloth system is a little crude, but just think if they had to add load times in the middle of cities just to have fluid cloth. And to whoever said it isn't possible on this generation: your right and wrong, it's POSSIBLE, but to do it would leave a lot of things out that are quite frankly more important... I can't wait until everyone in the world has a billion Ghz (or Thz) processor and a billion gigs of RAM and billion TB hard drives, then there will be no limit to what people can do.