Obama is being backed up by the KKK. Its on their website. They want to elect him to kill him.. A couple of people have already tried to kill obama. Other than that, we haven't had any good president/leader since Reagan, and it doesnt seem like that will change.
lol we had a fake election today at school, 80 percent was for obama, 20 for mccain, wonder if this is how the actual election is going to turn out! lol
"Despite some rumors, the Ku Klux Klan is not endorsing Barack Obama for President. In fact, Thomas Robb, national director of The Knights Party says his organization has serious questions it would like Barack to answer." Source is the KKK.bz website. You fail.
I started out quoting all the idiocy in this thread, than I gave up. Much of it comes from uneducated fourteen year olds and doesn't matter anymore. Spartan, improve your grammar, obviously you try for it to be that ridiculous, seeing as you've been called on it countless times. Oh and for the record, it was me who told sweeny of your sig, and I didn't say you changed it, I said it was ****in ironic. If you can't see how than there is no hope for you. As well, foriegners are much more educated on your problems than you. We have economic systems working much better than yours. Since you aren't an adult, you understand nothing of social security. Welfare, unemployable, child tax benefits, old age pention. None of this means anything to you..yet. Obama plans to put this stuff in, and do it right. You don't understand that, so don't bother commenting. Oh, and nice double post. Edit button is your friend. Sage, this has nothing to do with religion, and you know damn well it doesn't. He was being a douche, and so were you with that response to sweeny. Bl00d, c'mon Harper is a dumbass, and was just a Bush ass kisser. I was going to vote Green, but I was working and never got down. All our party leaders sucks ass, but it's not like our election actually matters when we stand in a minority government.
I would vote for Obama because i am more of a socialist than a conservative imo so thats why i would vote not mccain and also have you guys heard palin is racist!!!
No, what Obama will do is take out the rich and middle-class. Taking money from the rich and giving it to lazy ass poor people. So, no Obama. I do respect your opinion though
obama-is-not-robin-hood Seriously, he isn't "stealing" these big corporation are ripping people off and ruining the economy. Over-inflation is unnatural and is what is smashing the economy all to hell. What happens is, traders buy up all the goods (corn, wheat, oil, milk, whatever). Than when they buy up all that is being produced, than jack it's price up by like 200%. These are the middle men. They are pointless and are causing over-inflation. Obama aims to imput regulations against this that at one time were upheld. As well, he aims to create a better socially secure society for the MIDDLE CLASS MAN. Thats his concentration, the average american, not the poor bum on the street? Middle class, blue collar workers are out of house and home do to your economy. Thats not right. Thats the Republicans fault. McCain is aiming to do basically the same thing.
Ok heres my arguement. I'm for McCain, even though I believe that both candidates are stupid. Obama scares me alot. Obama has all of these ideas of "well, lets take from the rich and give to the poor and then everybody will be happy!". Well no, what that is, is the start of socialism, and for those of you who don't have a 7th grade education, thats communism. Giving people who decided not to do anything with their lives is their fault. If Joe Shmoe wants to work at McDonald's for his whole life, and then complain that the government doesn't give him what he deserves, he can say that, but the government should not intervene in those areas. Also, as someone above me I believe mentioned, big companies that Obama wants to tax base their prices over their overall income. If their taxed more, they raise prices, which forces people to buy less, slowing the economy. If they have their taxes lowered, prices fall, and people buy more, which causes the economy to rise. Sales tax of more items also probably brings in more gov. revenue than the tax increase would have been anyways. Look. I can't say anything real good about McCain or Palin except for McCain's experience in politics. Obama has no experience, and he's just a downright scary guy with communist ideas. If he's elected, I believe that we will see a large decrease in the rich and an increase in the middle class. This may sound ok but think, most rich people work hard for their positions. They studied hard in school and worked their way up the ladder. Now Obama just wnats to take everything out from underneath them and force them to fall backdown to the level of the everyday people. Now is that right that their work is for nothing? Once people lose initiative to work hard, people just stop working, and the economy goes into an economic downfall. Just what I think. MCCAIN PALIN! Love, Zachary9990
i just can't wait for this to be over tomorrow, this arguing is DRIVING ME NUTS!!! can't we just vote one day, with no campaign's before it, no advertisement or anything?
I am sorry, but what the hell are you trying to say there? That is by far the most confusing post in this whole topic, and considering you are competing with Sage, that is saying something. You being "for Obama" because you are "more socialist" only hurts him by supporting the lies Republicans and ignorant Americans made up. Thanks alot. Zach... I liked you :'( You just bought the fear garbage, hook line and sinker. You flat out said "You are scared of Obama" which is the very first thing I addressed in my first post in this thread! Just because you are afraid of change, doesn't make avoiding it right. McCain will not make our country better, he will keep it going at the same pace it has, down a spiraling path to destruction. Obama and his "socialist" ideas can either make our country better, or worse. I rather take the chance of better, because at least he offers it. Will people drop this socialist bullshit? Here, I am tired of this, here is the meaning of socialism: Socialism refers to a broad set of economic theories of social organization advocating state or collective ownership and administration of the means of production and distribution of goods, and the creation of an egalitarian society. If Obama was indeed socialist, he would be in command of our economy by state specific prices for goods. He does not propose that, he proposes putting regulations on Wall-Street corporations. In case you haven't read any of my previous posts (you really should, so I can stop repeating my goddam self) we used to have such regulations before Greenspan removed them! If you are so set that Obama is socialist, then you have to say that our country has been socialist since the Great Depression, until such regulations were removed! Also, chrst just said this, He is not taking from the rich, giving to the poor. He wants to rebuild the MIDDLE CLASS, which is in decline economically do to the decline of our economy. If he was socialist, he would not be fighting for a "middle class" but equal classes! What you also fail to realize, is that the Republicans (Yes, not only McCain, but his fellow republicans) are proposing tax cuts. Bad, not good, but bad. Deflation is just as bad as inflation. Deflation is just as bad as inflation. Deflation is just as bad as inflation. Deflation is just as bad as inflation. Repeat that to yourself, please, cause I am tired of saying it. Tax cuts and lower prices, will actually make everyone poor over time. This will have either 2 different effects on the wealthier classes. Either they too lose all wealth, forming what would be closer to a socialist society than you all accuse Barack of supporting, or it wil give the rich so much wealth, they will end up controlling politics themselves, as if they don't already. You are all looking at their promise of tax cuts like they want you too. "Ooo, less money I have to spend to the government!" You guys are buying it, you don't realize the disastrous results it holds. Also, you just said you can't find anything good about McCain! Don't even vote then, if you don't have a sure reason (short of fear of the other canidate) for voting! By all means vote! But don't be casting your vote so carelessly. I also find it funny how people say Senator Barack Obama has no experiance, even with his running mate Senator Joe Biden. Surely, Sentator John McCain has way more experiance with Govenner Palin at his side! Stop bringing up these pointless arguments of experience. Honestly, to anyone voting McCain out their, trying to scramble together a way to justify themselves because they are too uncertain (so it appears) stop it, your making yourself look like idiots, only harming McCain's campaign more. You are also making my fingers hurt, and I thing my keyboard is just about shot. Many people in this thread who said they voted for Obama, simply said Why can't McCain supporters do the same, and keep they hands off their damn keyboards except for the keys needed to type "McCain"? This was fun before, now it's just tedious....
Okay first zach, go back and read my posts, as you must not have. Second, I will state it AGAIN. First word okay, OBAMA. Next: ISN'T, thats IS NOT, STEALING, FROM, THE, RICH. Put that together and: Obama is not stealing from the rich. Next, communism and socialism are NOT the same thing. Socialism is on the left wing spectrum, and is on route to communism, but people associate socialism with Russia/cold war/stalin, and than call that communism. WRONG. Since no one can agree on the word, don't use it. Next, a **** TON of other countries have the system styled like Obama proposes, and guess what, they aren't communist. 1) Canada. Holy **** that's right beside you eh? Social security is not for people to sit on their ass and do nothing. And not everyone can be doctors otherwise you wouldn't have much of a society. A young teenager cannot comprehend the aspects of social benefits until they 1) Actually go out and ****in work. 2) Come across a situation where it's needed. My girlfriend had a baby at 15. In your country, under Bush's rule, under McCain's proposed government, if she wasn't rich she'd be pretty much ****ed. Hows a 15 year old pay for child care? Pay for food? Pay for a place to live, if they don't live with their parents? How can they go to school? Afford the medical bills? Don't want your baby, how can you afford the abortion? They can't afford any of this. In Canada, she lived a normal life. Had she been in her same situation in Bush America, well shed be pretty much ****ed eh? You break your leg, you get cancer, you get hit by a car, you get in a car accident. Wow thats 8g's, thats..thats sky rocketing prices for medical bills. Well your parents worry about that now, but what about when it comes time for you to worry about it? Are you going to be rich? Everyone here saying "oh poor rich people", you must all be rich huh? Taxing them is only going to benefit you. They are not going to feel any hurt from Obama, because everyone else is going to have more money to buy! Holy crap! Seriously, I've repeated myself so many times, and I don't know why I don't know why I even care, but seriously people gotta get more informed Zach I'm disappointed , I really am.
Ya because babies that are abandoned in the streets grow up lazy and poor so they should not be offered any help whatsoever. People with a gambling addiction should be left behind because of their pursuit of happiness went wrong. People who couldn't keep up with their mortgage do not deserve a penny from us. People from other countries also in the pursuit should just leave this land is based on Americans not people looking for a better life! McCain 08: Money first, people never. and sarcasm ends....... now!
I do not like either candidates. During the debates my BS meter kept going off whenever Obama was speaking. McCain too, but far far less. I will be voting for McCain. I would not want to let my father on this forum cause this topic would be 30 pages long arguing with all the Obama supporters.
By all means, bring him on. I'm always interested to see how well someone regurgitates Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity.
oh, im sorry i didnt bring this up before. you know how obama will take from like everyone who decided to be a nub and not do **** with their lives? yah, well my dad is going to be a majorin the USMC next year. so his wages will go up significantly. that means we will be taxed more. now listen, i have 4 siblings. 4. we alredy have a high living expense, but with raised taxes? also, my dad has to pay ****ing child support to some ***** across the country who doesnt even try to do anything with her life. she has done this to several men, and just wastes all her money. so then add our taxes going to people like that ****ing ****(Molly Really, she lives in CA, if you know her please strangle her, i will kis your ass forever i swear) but then since companies get no tax breaks we have to pay more living expenses, along with the child support(i think mccain is for abortions, im not sure. i seem to recall something about hearing that somewhere, and if it's true, then thats another reason. don't want more people to end up like us and be forced to pay ****ing child support to someone who doesn't even try to make money other than stealing it, oh she also used my dads social security number, that ****ing *****, when they could get an abortion. trust me, im sure my dad would gladly have rather paid for an abortion than pay child support for 18 years. i wish the ****ing court would let us take her(my half sister whos mom is a ****) in, then we wouldn't have to pay and we would all be happy. im sure thereare stories like that all over america, and i for one don't want to lose everything because some ****ing idiot socialist is elected just because he is black. you all know it. every single black in america will vote for obama just becaus ehes black. did you guys hear about that study in harlem(i think it was in harlem, i know it was like an extremely black part of some huge city) some people went around asking black people ther if they agreed with mccains policies, but they said they were obamas policies. like the companiy tax breaks, and they said yes just because a black guys name was on it. it is a sad day when americans vote for a bad president just becaus he is a certain race. stupid black people. if obama was white, like no black people would vote at all, just like before. if i get an infraction for that, i dont give a damn. you all know its true. im just one of the few brave enough to speak (or, type) about it. a vote for obama is a vote for a dead economy,and an extreme depression.