Guardian V.2

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Frito92, Oct 17, 2008.

  1. Frito92

    Frito92 Ancient
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    Guardian V.2
    A Halo 3 Guardian Remake
    Made by: Ififrito92

    Youtube Video HERE!

    Recommended Players: 2-8
    Supported Gametypes: Team Slayer
    Items on Map: Exact weapon layout as Guardian

    This map is the sickest remake of Guardian out there. I do realize that it is easy to get out of the map and there are a few issues with the gametypes it supports, but I should be releasing a V.2.1 soon. I tried to scale it as close as possible to the real Guardian, so it still feels like the original. I even made nodes on the ground, to represent fallin to your death. There isn't much more to say other than dowload it and check it out for yourself!!!! DOWNLOAD HERE! : Bungie Online : Halo 3 File Details


    Overview 1


    Overview 2


    Overview of Lift Room


    Please post any changes you would like me to make in version 2.1! DOWNLOAD HERE: : Bungie Online : Halo 3 File Details
    FlipStik likes this.
  2. bobsagetismyhro

    bobsagetismyhro Ancient
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    Wow I remember trying to remake guardian before, and it was really hard. The resemblance is great. I really like how close it looks to guardian, but I didnt see any pics underneath the map. It isnt against the rules, but thats just what I like. 4.5/5
  3. rewib65

    rewib65 Ancient
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    i really think its a rather poor remake, maybe its the best one out there, but its cuz no one is goin to remake a map thats in the game.

    anyways, there isnt the curvy-ness to it that guardian has, and maybe the scale is right, but it just doesnt look like guardian at all.
  4. xpistolxwhipper

    xpistolxwhipper Ancient
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    the map itself is good, the interlocking is clean and the scale is pretty good, but why try to remake a map already in the game?
  5. Frito92

    Frito92 Ancient
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    because i thought it would be a good challenge to remake, and its a different experience than the original i was kinda bored and running out of map =]

    JASONYO Ancient
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    once again. like i said b4 there is no point in remaking something that is two finger strokes away in halo 3. the halo 3 one is also more accurate because it is the original. im gonna b honest this isn't very original
  7. ChrisV41

    ChrisV41 Ancient
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    I honestly think this is a very cool idea. When I first started reading, I thought, are you serious?? A remake of a Halo 3 map?! Lame... (Like most of the people above me)
    But, after seeing the pics, it looks very cleanly made and I applaud you for taking on such a difficult challenge of remaking a present Halo 3 map, knowing that you would most likely get critized for every little thing that wasnt the same. The actual layout looks almost identical (great), and it seems as though it would play similarly enough to Gaurdian, but also different enough for it to stand out as a new and fun experience.

    I haven't tried it out yet, but I will definately download and play it as soon as I get the chance...Too bad my Xbox has Rrod right now...:(
    Good job Frito
  8. thesilencebroken

    thesilencebroken Jill Sandwich
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    Guys, quit harrassing him about remaking a map we have. He explained himself, and its a legitimate reason. I will negative rep the **** out of the next person who lays into him like a douchebag.

    As for your map, Its well built, and you did a good job trying to keep the feel of the overall map. The honest truth is, i wont keep it. I have Guardian, and its one of my favorites. If this was a halo 2 map, then you'd have me all over it like you dont even know. I did download it and walk around for awhile though. Keep up the good work.
    Linubidix likes this.
  9. FlipStik

    FlipStik Ancient
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    Ooh, wow, another Halo 3 map remake...on foundry.. Anyway it's still a new concept, and great idea. is it like Gaurdian with a lower floor and all or is it just the top floor? if so that's a little disappointing but no less challenging to have. 5/5 for the idea, but I'm sorry, I'm going to give you a 3/5 for only having one Floor, therefore not making it an entire remake.. =(
  10. Trifslap

    Trifslap Ancient
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    I really like what you've done with the map.
    You've managed to compress guardian into foundry while still keeping all the small details in. It might not be perfectly accurate but foundry does have it's limits.
    One thing i would suggest is moving that gravlifit near the camo underneath the bridge because the gravlift and weapons holder really ruin the feel of the map.
  11. penguin asassin

    penguin asassin Ancient
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    since theres no trees in foundry its impossible to make it look like foundry, you might want to make it on blackout our avalanche in the middle of the air to represent the death drops also i think your talent will definitely be better speant on a remake of a halo 2 map (hang em high pl0x?)
    still this looks like a awesome remake and besides the fact you cant fall to your death kind of ruins the feel 4/5
  12. Frito92

    Frito92 Ancient
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    uhhh, i don't know what u are talking about....have u even downloaded the map? i did make the bottom floor and everything else on the actual map... check it out before criticizing that i didn't remake the entire thing....
  13. IrishBeast

    IrishBeast Ancient
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    Nice map though I would have to agree with "bobsaget" dude that a pic or tow of underneath would be great! This looks clean and about 90 percent resembling Guardian! I would have done a better job at the curved walkway by sniper! It looks nice overall, keep forging. Is the other half of foundry blocked off?
    *EDIT* just say vid opps, well it looks like it was hard to make and in some spots impossible, so my hat is off to you!

  14. Frito92

    Frito92 Ancient
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    Dude, I remade everything. But i din't take enough screenshots. SRY! but its still there
  15. SiR Shmo0pY

    SiR Shmo0pY Ancient
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    I've always said 'If the map is already in the game there is no need for a remake' but this is an exeption the map looks suprising accurate but there is no substituion for the real thing, some things I would recommend changing; the 'camo lift' (grav lift) could be put under the bridge so people couldn't as easily destroy it even if it has the 'run time maximum' thing. There really is no use for a review by me as we all know Guardian. but I'll give it a "mini-review" 4.5/5 = GREAT! But not perfect.

    And another thing, (I know someone has already pointed this out)Rewib, how would you like it if I went to one of threads and said that your maps suck so much ass because I have no legitimate reason why I think that, would you feel like ****? or would you feel like ****? I have seen past remakes that in the original game it was in, it was curved, then when remade it wasn't, and they are widely accepted maps aswell, so if you think a map sucks because it's not curved are you saying that if Jesus were to make a map that wasn't curved you would flame him into the ground to the point that he gets third degree burns, you sir, are a Douche.
    (sorry about the strong language FH)
    #15 SiR Shmo0pY, Oct 18, 2008
    Last edited: Oct 18, 2008
  16. Yum_Toast

    Yum_Toast Ancient
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    Lol, I almost decided to this in the empty space above blackout. I have no idea why. Kudos for going ahead and doing it.
  17. Resix

    Resix Ancient
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    sir that was a bump i suggest you not do that as to not get a warned status or a ban. im sure this is necrobumping so you will get some sort of infraction. Also i remember you double posting this on purpose that is not the way to get your map noticed just make a good enough map and it will get noticed
  18. Phreakie

    Phreakie Ancient
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    i kinda dont approve of people trying to remake maps that have already been created in halo 3 by bungie. I mean, seriously. You really cant get any better than the original guardian so whats the point?
  19. xLMSxTRiLoGY

    xLMSxTRiLoGY Ancient
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    He has a legitimate reason to remaking Guardian don't know how many times people will have to go over this.

    But for the map i really like it and just because there are so few pictures i actually watched the video of it so i knew there was a second floor 4.5/5. Some places could use a touch up like the sniper spawn ramp where the dumpsters are. I really like the idea to the remake, even though it is in the game already but its really smooth and its looks really nice to play on.
  20. The Flappy

    The Flappy Ancient
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    try this on blackout so you can have the map floating like guardian

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