Hello All. Im new to posting on FH so sorry if this is the wrong section or if i make any other basic mistakes. Im posting today because I need ideas. Im currently working on a Avalanche cops and robbers map. I have the cop base made but i can not think of a base for the robbers. If anyone has a link to pics of there map or link to there map that they think is a really good base made on avalanche I would greatly appreciate it. I will credit you for the help although im not gonna use ur base 100%. Thanks ahead for the help
....The Robbers are supposed to have a base? I've honestly never seen a Cops 'n Robbers map where the Robbers have a base.... Unless you mean a starting point, in which case I think you should just use your imagination, I'm sure you can think of something perfectly fine.
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i just made a capture the flag map with bases,ill give you the link later today because my brothers on xbox right now, and i need to put it on my file share to give you the link HERE