ok, I've narrowed down my choices, im going to buy either: Fallout 3 Guitar Hero: World Tour which one and why??? im sooo confused.
It depends if you like music games or shooters more. If you like them both the same, I would go with Guitar Hero, both games seem great but guitar hero looks awesome with the song creation and everything. Although I personally like rock band better.
wait, song CREATION???? we can make SONGS?? OMFG WTF BBQ im excited and i love both kind of games equally.
You didn't know about the song creation?!?!?! That was the only reason I was not 100% sold on Rock Band 2. I still got it but song creation could help GH sell better then rb.
Well I'm glad I could help you there I might get GH as well as RB2 I really am enjoying rb though tell me how gh is when u get it
I would get Fallout 3 because I am not into music games. I mean I think they are a fun party game, but nothing more. But I would get Mirror's Edge instead of either one. Added poll
Well, you have Fallout 3, which is full of action and **** like that, plus it has replay value since you can't do ALL of the missions in one game..... (don't have it yet, so don't know much about it) On the other hand is World Tour, which is just awesome with it's customizeability and personalization....plus, song creation. And I haven't gotten this game yet, myself, but I still have Guitar Hero: Legends of Rock, and I'm still not bored of it..... Honestly, I'd probably get World Tour, just because I want it a lot more than Fallout 3. Don't get me wrong, though, Fallout 3 looks pretty damn good in it's own right. It's hard to compare these two since they're both from different genres...
Or you can get one of the many great games besides World Tour or Fall Out... I personally would get Fallout, cause I don't like Guitar Hero as much as rockband, and even then those games bore me after awhile. But I am getting gears before anything else, so ya...
Every game gets some bad reviews, but they are both very good games. I would personally get guitar hero because I like music games a lot and I don't have the intension span to play an RPG even though fallout looks cool.
#1 Gears 2 #2 Fable 2 #3 Fallout 3 #4 Rock Band 2 #5 Farcry 2 #6 Left 4 Dead #7 GH: WT (just game use Rockband instruments) #8 COD: WAW