Outlook A slight remake out "Lockout". Plays similar to the ever so popular Halo 2 Map "Lockout". But is it's own map. Very good for Team Slayer or Multi-Team. 8-12 players. CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD
Looks really good, the only thing I could say to improve your map is interlocking objects it looked like to me that there was none.
Yea their is weapons and Fusion Coils. And I do have interlocking pieces. Trust me Everyone that played with me on this map Enjoys it.
Forge-through: The map looks pretty good and I can definitely see the influence of Lockout. I like how you set up the map for if someone falls off the ledges. I bet this would be a good map for FFA Slayer, or even a 1v1. But you might want to do something about the Slayer starting points. It seems like there are several spots where a lot of Neutral starting points are next to each other. In a large FFA party, it probably will mean that enemies will start right next to each other. It might not be a problem, but maybe it is. I didn't play a game here so I don't know. It just caught my eye. The other things I wanted to mention is that there are 4 plasma grenades very close together down by the sword, and the turret might be a little powerful for this map. But then I realized that the abundance of grenades actually helps to balance the power of the turret, so nevermind.
it looks pretty good i'll download if i have time only one thing the roof over the custom power-up seems a bit crooked but that is an EXTREMELY minor thing it just caught my eye and ho w do you get up to the custom power up it looks a bit cramped
Thanks for the input guy's and The custom power up is supposed to be just for show. But you can still grab it. Which is almost like Glitch I suppose. The reason i have so many stickies is to stop the Power Weapons so they don't control the Map (mainly to Destroy the Turret). And if you played on this map you know that the Sniper Perch is not always the best place to snipe from. But if you go back to the steps you can jump up to an extra spot beside the Perch. And the Coils wont kill you. Also Laser can really mess up the Custom Power Up Tower. I almost forgot to add that I have played FFA slayer and It actually worked out fine. No Spawn Killing or anything. Same goes for Multi-Team. Although when I played Multi-Team I did Notice that The Custom Power up Tower Spawn was Heavily Watched.
Please do not double post to bump your map up. This is not B.net. Simply edit your last post with what you have to say and it will show us that something has been updated.
Thanks guys and sorry about that won't happen again. BTW when I did the "double post" This was on the top page anyway but w/e.
This map is very interesting because you didn't copy and remake Lockout, but you took ideas and went from there. I love it when someone takes and old map and makes a new version but not quite a remake, like Guardian compared to Lockout. - Brute Captain