I'm working on a map, and I am making it ready for CTF. So I spawned the objective thing and I tried to delete the normal ones but whenever I go into custom games they're still there... Anyone has this before?
Make sure you use the options to make whether they are for the defenders or attackers. Make sure. Also I heard it's better to move them then to add and delete.
So delete the original ones, both sets, and then save&quit. Now chose the CTF stuff again, place it where you want, and then save&quit. This works for me every time.
i have had this problem before but the method darkknight talked about works really well so i suggest doing that if not get someone else to try it. Oh and if its budget glitched that might be part of the problem
Does that work? If you delete all objective points then the game will just add in the maps default ones. That's why on the Foundry canvas, things like the Oddball spawn are in mid air. Just delete all the CTF points and add in your ones, changing the Attacker/Defender settings. Then save.