Jumping on the rocks V2

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Mini Game Maps' started by Obibital, Nov 3, 2008.

  1. Obibital

    Obibital Ancient
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    Finally it is here the second version of that loved mini-game Jumping on the rocks! this version is a basic remake of the original version, im not going to explain much of the gameplay (except the new gameplay) so if you havent seen V1 Check Here. for those that know this map please continue.​

    Some of the new parts of the map include the fixing of the party size, from what i know the limit used to be about 10 until you start spawning outside the map. that has been fixed with a new spawn area.​


    The new spawn area holds new possiblitys, also with more spawns the chances of excessive spawn killing has been shortened. this allows the map to hold up to about 15 people, i felt that any more would be over excessive. with the new spawn area i hope that Insane54 (Hint Hint) will be able to use this game in TGIF. ​


    Here is an overview of the map, notice the even cooler looking hill, yes i do realize that people can capture the hill around the new spawn area, this is in the asthetic version which is for playing with friends, the real version has a wider hill but not wide ehough for those jerks to cheat.​


    As you can see the crate at the left has been moved along with its spawn points to the right allowing a less of a bump and so you dont die if you spawn at the edge and move a little than die. notice the floated teleporter for the new spawning location.​

    Well thats basically it for the pictures and text, hope you download and have some fun on those rocks.​

    Oh yah,You Need The Gametype To Play!!!! that goes to you too guests!
    The rocksV2
    Jumping (you need this)

    Thanks to uncle borat for helping think of the first version, and anyone that downloaded V1.
  2. bobsagetismyhro

    bobsagetismyhro Ancient
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    hmmm... Im sorry I dont see that much different from v1, but I did dl it and it was fun, If you could make a list of things you added to v2. The only thing I noticed is the teleportals, if that is the only thing then just say.

    EDIT: I guess I didnt see the new stuff, but when i played v1 people would just spawn kill. Im glad you made it different.

    P.S, I dont try to spam, I really dont care what rank I have on this site, besides banned.
  3. Obibital

    Obibital Ancient
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    ....Did you read this post at all? the whole thing is whats is new. try paying attention next time, and please stop spamming, you do it alot. posts need to be atleast more than one sentance, and includes things that can be done by thinking for 10 seconds along with not only skimming the page of its pictures.

    Edit: if you do read this, please dont spam the post below is an example of spam, i wont report stealth but you have been warned..... litteraly as well as mentally.
  4. Resix

    Resix Ancient
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    i liked v1 so i guess i will like v2 ill dl and see how its is and ill tell you what i think needs changing
  5. SoLo92

    SoLo92 Ancient
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    i enjoyed playing the v1 with you. its a neat idea. did u fix the death barrier so we can go to the right w/out dieing?! hope so. i look froward to playing v2. 5/5.
    btw. have you tried to use this on last resort? cuz if it works youll have way more room and a longer path.
  6. Obibital

    Obibital Ancient
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    I do understand what you are saying Solo and yes i do know about last resort, i tried that one first and then valhalla, sadly breaking the map means your death...=( oh well im looking forward to the new maps for V3 hopefully.
  7. De Wy El Ay En

    De Wy El Ay En Ancient
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    yay! jumping on the rocks v2! people are going to be so pumped! I just wish my halo disk hadn't broken, i would've helped on v2 also, anyways i see you've fixed the spawns, and made the party size larger, thats considered "awesome" and will get you more downloads! NO MOAR SPAWN KILLINGSZ!~$&

    Overall Rating: 9.5/10
    "Whoo-Hoo V2!"

    BTW- First Screenshot, Bl00dy Wat3rsz? HACKS!! ..lolx
  8. extreme 96

    extreme 96 Ancient
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    I liked V1 alot and i hope V2 will be better so i'll download it. I think V2 will be better but i suggest if you make a V3 it should be in high ground because theres a lot of space there and it's easy to break.
  9. De Wy El Ay En

    De Wy El Ay En Ancient
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    one problem with your suggestion of making it on high ground.

    when you fall in the water, you won't die on contact

    i do agree though that high ground has more room, but it wouldn't work the same.
  10. penguin asassin

    penguin asassin Ancient
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    Huzzah a v2 the first one was fun except that for some reason the scorpion hornet ect. wouldn't be destroyed and I could get out of the map get in a hornet and reach the hill if you've addressed that then this map has some serious potential (honestly, its like someone let this simmer in a epic win sauce for a month) not to mention this is one of the most original experiences out there 5/5
  11. Obibital

    Obibital Ancient
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    thanks, but didnt i explain the whole vehicle thing to you already? im pretty sure i did for V1, the gametype wont allow you to get in vehicles and if you leave the map (well enter it) then you can only get in (out) by a teleporter. oh and the epic win sauce thing, im putting that on my hall o' fame.

    P.S. this has over 100 veiws and yet no Dls? wad up wid dat?
  12. RaBBiiTTT

    RaBBiiTTT Ancient
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    Yes!!! A v2! Finally. Well I'm obviously gonna download this because I enjoyed version one a lot. Me and my friends played some games here and in the end....I won, lol. Didn't you and Borat make this map, or you are the only one that made a v2? Anyway, great job once again.
  13. redshadow1337

    redshadow1337 Ancient
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    I'm glad you made V2 becuase the original had a tendensy of screwing up (although not that bad, but annoying none the less).

    This is a great mini game that I would definetly recomend to everyone to at least try it. It's like Halo 2's Lava Man, but with a Lava Man that will keep up with people falling off (by which I mean the deathbarrier) or tremors. And you have an objective of getting to the end. I like how the objects spin and sink into the vast depths of the sea, so if you miss your chance you either wait or die. I guess in some ways I wish the objects could come back faster, but how it is now you really have to think out your path (or just wing it and hope you get through).

    Great job and keep up the good work!
    #13 redshadow1337, Nov 4, 2008
    Last edited: Nov 4, 2008
  14. Obibital

    Obibital Ancient
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    to tell the truth redshadow, i dont have a clue what lava man is at all. but i do appretciate you descriptive poem thing for the map, i may use it in quotes. really i think the items spawn as fast as they should, but thanks for that thought.
  15. Obibital

    Obibital Ancient
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    that was very unnessesary, and you just got reported. please dont spam on this post it take it very negetivly. thanks.

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