Hey guys! This map is the result of countless months of procrastination and something like hard work when we actually decided to work on it. The Phoenix 9 and myself (Hybrid Icon), along with the help of plenty of other people who gave us ideas as well as hours of endless trip-mine overloading bring you our first submission to the Forge Hub community, Element. Element is a 2-base symmetrical map with influences drawn from many places, namely Onslaught. I'm not exactly sure on the counts for weapons, spawn times, and all that other good stuff I'm sure you all are interested in, I can tell you that there are a few BR's, some Carbines, a Mauler, and grenades. There are no powerups and hopefully no bad spawns (then again, this is the Halo 3 spawn system, so you never know. Its like watching the fish you just shot in the barrel respawn in a different barrel 6 feet behind you with rockets). So far we've had no trouble in this regard, but that's why we're submitting it to you guys. Hopefully you all can help us out by playtesting Element and catching some of our mistakes as well as giving us suggestions on what to do with the dumpster-box-corner walls in front of the bases. Really, we're clueless. Also, Element is only set up for Team Slayer and CTF as of right now as we are still contemplating Ball and Hill so please give us your thoughts on that as well. Now, screencap time! Thanks for the help guys! (Footnote: Originally named "MLG Bridges and Dumpsters." Unfortunately, it wouldn't fit D: ).
Welcome to FH! The map looks neat and I can't see any flaws in it. I think you did a pretty straight job into the geomerging. I will try to get a game on it. However I think you need a beautiful middle piece to keep the map consistant. It justlooks... plain. And BTW don't double post. But great first post!
Thanks! We've already received some ideas about what to do with the structures between the bases and mid-bridge and we're working on testing them now. But any other suggestions would be phenomenal!
good use of map making skills - nice big size of map - good use of the items on the map - great interlocking items into other items - great ideas - maybe ask other people what they want out of a map - altogether a awsome map but somthing about it i dont like - 9/10
Haha, we're asking you guys. We agree that there's something a little bit off with the map but we are incapable of figuring out exactly what isn't quite right. Regardless, we appreciate that lovely 9/10. Its like those gold stars they give to the 'special' kids when they add 2 and 2 together correctly.
The sheer originality of your map is like a breath of fresh air after being trapped in a small room with seventeen over-perfumed cougars*. I'm really digging the bunker/slit/thing at the bases. Personally, I think that the dumpsters which reside on the wall corners are two waste recepticles too many, but that's just me. 5 / 5 * I mean older women who still think they're hot, not mountain cats.
Welcome! This map looks pretty good. It looks like a fun MLG map. I'm not sure how much fun it is. I like the interlocking. Is there any geolocking? Looks like it took a while to make. 4/5
nice ideas with the whole map basicly. i like the base design that it has and the type of slope from the top side slowly going down to middle and then the opposite side. for the single box-wall corner-dumpster idea, i think that just might be a keeper. it gives cover from 2 sides and also a height advantage with the dumpster. Looks like its a well placed map and lots of cover. good job.
My friends and I just played this and we all agreed that it is a fun map to play on, we also liked the weapon placement, overall this was a fun map 5/5
wow i love this map i like the wall thing on the bases alot... this is a def 5/5.... the map is peasing and the layout is gr8 i hope u post this in the forge like a pro comp...... this is really good keep making them... this is the reason im going to start looking in the MLG map thread thank u... 6/5
I rally like it from a map point of view, but it just looks and feels to much like onslaught for me personally. Maybe if you added something really defining to change the way it plays. But still, great map 8/10
Haha, we're asking you guys. We agree that there's something a little bit off with the map but we are incapable of figuring out exactly what isn't quite right. Regardless, we appreciate that lovely 9/10. Its like those gold stars they give to the 'special' kids when they add 2 and 2 together correctly.
I think it against FH rules to post a link to your file share... but w/e... Seems like a solid map CAN'T take a closer look till i can find a link...
Tres unique! Sorry, I'm in french class and it's getting a little weird. Anyway, this is a really unique map. The layout is flat enough to allow high building for the ascetic and gameplay side of the map, and it looks like it would flow well for MLG game variants
Hey Guys We, well at least I have given up on this map. It uses onslaughts backwall and the gameplay is about the same. I don't believe it is worth your time to look at this map and I'm the one who made it. I'll try to get Icon to put up the file, but for the time being maybe you could check out http://www.forgehub.com/forum/mlg-maps/47301-advent.html Also, bonjour mikeblair333. J'ai deux maps. Je n'aime pas Element, mais j'aime Advent.