OK, since there's been an argument in my last post"Pelican Down" about it being impossible to bring the pelican down on the Siera 117 level of campaign... Ok, firstly you need to stand where I am to make it easier. Next, there is a certain target area. You can only throw it there, because that's the only area the plasma nade will go through. Anywhere else it'll merely stick onto the outside to. NOTE: The nade will only go through in SOME spots in the target area. This would be an example of a miss. Now, here's a way to tell if you have killed the pelican. There IS a driver, not some sentient AI crap. If you see someone fly out from the explosion, that means the pelican will be coming down. But watchout though, because there's also a turret man in the back so you might just be killing him :S.
What happens after that? Does it just crash? Does it come down slowly? I know the answer is no but can you drive it?
That guy didn't know what he was talking about. I've seen it done several times. I've never been able to do it, though.
i did that once it just falls trough the map though....... it made me so happy i cam all inside my pants......it feel SOOOO GOOOOD!
Yea it just falls through the ground and the marines that are in the back just chill on the ground were the pelican fell through. Theres plenty of videos on Youtube.