Wizard/Warlock inspired remake

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by maserfish, Dec 13, 2007.

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  1. maserfish

    maserfish Ancient
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    Black Magic
    (by maserfish and BJH7127)

    This map, clearly inspired by the Wizard and Warlock maps of olden days,
    works flawlessly with any built-in gametype for Halo 3.

    (Click here to view original Bungie.net thread)

    - Support for any of the built-in Slayer, CTF, Assault, Territories, King, VIP, Juggernaut, Oddball,
    or Infection gametypes
    - Nearly identical weapon placement to that of Warlock
    - Effective respawn timers for all weapons and cloaking
    - Keeps the same feel of the original maps
    - Redesigned platforms between the bases and the center structure keep overall proportions correct
    - Smaller map size allows for more intense firefights
    - Two flame grenades spice up the gameplay without overpowering the other weapons
    - Ideal for 4-12 players, but even works well for 1v1's

    - "instantly saw how much it resembles Wizard. proportions are the best i've seen."
    - "this map is also good because you can't freaking get out of it."
    - "awesome center. really tied the room together."
    - "the last warlock-type map I played on was so big and spread out that you couldn't jump from the BR platform to the camo."

    Downloadable versions of these screenshots can be found here.






    Please let us know what you think!

    -maserfish and BJH7127
  2. Grif

    Grif Na'vi Tits
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    Re: Wizard/Warlock inspired remake: Black Magic

    Screenshot not found!!!!!

    What is that a picture of on the screenshot not found picture? I have been wondering that for a while.
  3. maserfish

    maserfish Ancient
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    Re: Wizard/Warlock inspired remake: Black Magic

    I edited the link to the screenshots. It should work now.
  4. Lone Deity

    Lone Deity Ancient
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    Re: Wizard/Warlock inspired remake: Black Magic

    Looks fun, queued. I hope this is as fun as Warlock.
  5. Fastforward

    Fastforward Ancient
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    Re: Wizard/Warlock inspired remake: Black Magic

    I liked this map. The biggest complaint I have is the ramp and platfrom between the bases and the center. I know you're trying to keep proportions but it doesn't fell right. Other wise, I like how you did the shield doors on the camo.

    I prefer Elevated's version better but yours is still very good.
  6. FBG Elevated V

    FBG Elevated V Ancient
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    Re: Wizard/Warlock inspired remake: Black Magic

    Thanks for the shout-out.

    I REALLY like your central structure. You can walk around the outside of the pillars, which you can't do in my version due to space issues.

    One thing you'll definitely want to do is put up teleporters so that people who get emergency spawns outside of your map have the ability to get back in. This is a necessity if you really want this map to be playable. Look at Sorcerer for an example.

    Also, I think your CTF flag placements are out of whack. And for objective games some starting spawn points are a good idea. Good job on the map, though, and again, awesome center. Really tied the room together.
  7. maserfish

    maserfish Ancient
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    Re: Wizard/Warlock inspired remake: Black Magic


    I downloaded your map, and I know what you're saying with the spawning outside the map. On ours, we made sure that all the spawn points are inside the map, and we changed all of the starting points and respawn zones (for every gametype) to keep people inside the map. I don't think we have the same issue as you do.

    I'm glad you liked our center structure, cause we spent a while working on different revisions to it. We went with this design as the shield doors keep people from blindly walking across the center, but the whole thing has enough height to prevent grenade spamming. Plus it lends itself to some pretty intense battles up top.

    What do you mean by the CTF flag placements being "out of whack"? To my knowledge, that's where the flags spawned on Warlock.
  8. xxxmasterofuxxx

    xxxmasterofuxxx Ancient

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    Re: Wizard/Warlock inspired remake: Black Magic

    looks fun, can't w8 to test it
  9. FBG Elevated V

    FBG Elevated V Ancient
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    Re: Wizard/Warlock inspired remake: Black Magic

    Really? Cool, I thought there was no way to stop people from spawning there. I'm gonna see if I can fix mine.

    Edit: nvm, got it figured out.
  10. Lance001

    Lance001 Ancient
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    Re: Wizard/Warlock inspired remake: Black Magic

    Nice concept. I'll queue for later.

    Side note: embedding pictures covers a multitude of sins. You'd be surprised how much more people will be willing to invest in your maps if you just provide a few pics. =)
  11. maserfish

    maserfish Ancient
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    Re: Wizard/Warlock inspired remake: Black Magic

    UPDATE: We fixed the support for the flag variants. Now CTF works correctly. The center hill for King variants was made a little larger. The link above has changed too. (Apparently people already like this one better...)

    If you were one of the first 30 or so people to download the map, please consider downloading it again, as it now has true support for all gametypes.
  12. FBG Elevated V

    FBG Elevated V Ancient
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    Re: Wizard/Warlock inspired remake: Black Magic

    Wait a sec, another noob questions for you guys: if you change and then save a map on your 360, and that map is on your file share, will it update automatically? I just assumed that it didn't. I keep on taking something down and uploading it again if I need changes.
  13. maserfish

    maserfish Ancient
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    Re: Wizard/Warlock inspired remake: Black Magic

    Unfortunately, no. You have to manually remove it from the file share, and then re-upload it. The way you're doing it is the only way to do it.
  14. Crouchaldhino

    Crouchaldhino Ancient
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    too many remakes! ill try them though
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