Neutral assault... help me PLEASE

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by jjbrich, Feb 4, 2008.

  1. jjbrich

    jjbrich Ancient
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    Im stuck... I need my gametype to be a neutral assault right?
    I want only one bomb spawn point and only one detenation point
    when i actually go to play it, it spawns more of them!!!!
    Its a big deal because the defending team is stuck in a certain area....
    so i need the teams to just alternate areas...
    but when the defending team is in their area they have to bring a bomb out of the area that they cannot leave.......
    How do i make it to where theres only one bomb and one detenation point?????
  2. Nutduster

    Nutduster TCOJ
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    What you're describing is not even neutral assault, it's turn-based (asymmetrical) assault with one bomb. I'd suggest to give your map a standard setup: one bomb spawn and one bomb plant point for each team (attackers and defenders), and a neutral bomb spawn as well. Then if your gametype is set up right, Halo will know what to do and will only spawn one bomb (on the attackers' bomb spawn point) and you will have to take it to the defender's plant point. That's how it works on the default maps, and it's a fine system. Remember that you can control a lot of these options in the gametype, you don't have to put all the limitations in the map itself.
  3. Kapura

    Kapura Ancient
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    It sounds to me like your having a gametype problem. I would say that you should make sure that neutral assault is the game you want. If you wanted only one bomb spawn and one det point, that sounds more like one sided assault. I don't really understand what you are asking though, so I could be entirely incorrect.

    Another thought is that if you want neutral bomb and one det point, you could place both an attack and defender det point at the same area, they could even be blended together. so that it only looks like one.

    If you clarify more, I could be of more help.
  4. jjbrich

    jjbrich Ancient
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    Yeah thats what i meant was one sided assault... thanks guys ill give that a try
  5. Demolition Elmo

    Demolition Elmo Ancient
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    I'm having a similar problem.
    High ground, one bomb (well, my adapted version where i only changed the player traits), bomb spawn on beach, det point in room next to where flag spawns in CTF. When i go into a custom game, a det point appears at the beach and a bomb spawn appears at the base!
    What can i do to change it?
  6. Kapura

    Kapura Ancient
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    Demo Elmo, it seems to me that you need to set the teams. Keep in mind which team you set the bomb spawn and det point to. And you might not have had all of the necessary points on the map, in which case it spawns the goals at there default location. Remember also that just because a det point appears, it doesn't meant that it is able to be used in the game. So you might see it, but it is useless.
  7. Demolition Elmo

    Demolition Elmo Ancient
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    As in setting the det point to defenders and the bomb spawn to attackers?
    I've already done that

    Bomb spawn point.....check
    Det point....................check
    what else is missing?

    I know but you have to admit that it kinda looks unprofessional

    Sorry if I sound a bit bitchy, i'm not trying to be, it's just that i've been trying to get it working all day and i'm a bit ticked off.
  8. Kapura

    Kapura Ancient
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    Oh, well, now I know what your problem is then. Even if you are playing a one sided assault, the map will still render all of the bomb points and bomb spawns on the map. It also needs a minimum of 5:
    1 bomb spawn for each team (2 total)
    1 det point for each team (2 total)
    1 neutral bomb spawn point.

    If you just don't like the way they look, you might hide the ones you don't intend on using. The tops of the buildings in highground work well.
  9. Demolition Elmo

    Demolition Elmo Ancient
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    cheers bud, you're a life saver. I think i have the perfect spot for it all.

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