I was looking few the BBC News site a few minutes ago and stumbled across this awkward story. If you think this should be in Off-Topic, feel free to PM a member of staff. Source (this may be UK only version - International doesn't work) I have highlighted the final sentance because to me, I found it hilarious. I don't know why but it may have been the formality of it. Also, wouldn't wou have felt the glue and in a split-second be off of the seat? Hope you like it.
Seriously, who the hell sits on a toilet seat full of glue? Why would he sit there long enough to let it dry on his ass? Wouldn't he feel the cool sensation of the wet glue on his butt cheeks? Why wouldn't he notice the glue before he sat? Was this guy retarted?
Lol, I was searching through the forums and just noticed the name I was like Lawl, what a retard. How could you have been stuck to a toilet seat? Yes, I would have felt it and the guy was stuck there, on it? I might do this actually, very funny but the man probably hoped that while he was sitting there that his balls don't stick to it too. I would be hoping that. Hopefully, the mans alright from a shock which may embarress him for the rest of his, seeing that it was on the news and such.
LOL i could imagine him sitting down, feeling a little squish, and thinking: "oh no" then when he realizes he can't get off, thats gotta be even more humiliating. he had to sit there while the fireman took if off the toilet, and he had to walk out of there with no pants on, and a toilet seat glued to his rear end. Ultimate humiliation if you ask me. The person who did this must be very happy with himself
hahahaha O my god this is hilarious. I have to quote this XD and to the stupid guy on the toilet seat, he deserves to be humiliated. He didnt even care that the toilet seat was wet or sticky. Just plain stupid.
Amazing comment, that's all I have to say He is from the midlands, not many people will know him - that's a bit harsh lolz. Also, I doubt his balls stuck to the seat, they, well you know...hang. The anticipation and emabarresment of sitting on the toilet, waiting and thinking of what just happened must have been overwhelming! I second that I sure hope so...
Public restrooms are breeding grounds for infections, diseases, and bacteria. I barely ever take a piss in them, let alone take a ****.
Holy crap! First off why the hell didnt he notice? And secondly .. poor guy >.< Going to hospital with a toilet stuck to his ass .. Hes going to laugh about that with his mates in a few years ^.^
if i went into a puplic toilet and seen a clear gluey liquid on the seat, id rather just not go =/. Ultimate prank though. sucks to be him having to call the fire brigade to tell them hes stuck to the toilet.
EDIT: By the way ^that was SO funny. My super glue at school is clear, and isn't very thick. I can see how you wouldn't notice it. When it's spread on thin enough, you can barely even feel it until it drys too. However, I think public bathrooms are disgusting and I ALWAYS put toilet paper down around the seat before I go, because people will pee all over the it. Girls don't have it as bad. Not only that, but probably hundreds of people you don't know haved smeared their asses around on the seat, which really nasty when you think about it. I don't use public bathrooms when I have a choice.
I have never gone number 2 in a public bathroom never never never thats the truth. I only use a public bathroom for number 1.
He probably really needed to go... We English like to have banging great shits in public toilets rather than our own...
We do? I never excrete (a big word!) in public toilets. Everyone in England leaves them, well, like a pile of ****. Unflushed toilets, pee on the floor, broken hand dryers, wet toilet paper on the ceiling... It's a nasty place. If I really need to go, then it's a last resort.
Ok I have 3 explanations for why British people get the best news. 1. British people are extremely funny 2. Americans can't make fun of themselves 3. Americans just have really boring news stations oh and 4. LOLOLOLOLOLOL awsim story!
That is a lie!!! Today, on the news, I saw this thing of a little girl that got kicked out of the bus by the bus driver for switching seats. Literally kicked. /jk