With the NXE you will be able to install games on to your console in order to reduce load times, but you will be copying your several GB of game on to your HDD and taking up lots of space. So what are you going to install? What size HDD do you have? How much memory do you have left? __________________________________________________________________ I have a 160 GB HDD, and 70-80 GB left on it. I'm going to install: Halo 3 Mirror's Edge Grid FarCry 2 (If I get into it, which I doubt) Tomb Raider Underworld Test Drive Unlimited Burnout Paradise Tom Clancy's EndWar (if I get it) I'll probably always have Halo 3 and Test Drive Unlimited installed, Halo 3 I always play and TDU I get on once a month, and it has long load times.
I gotta be honest, I doubt I'll install any. I don't see a point in it, the only I thing I in this feature I could find useful is renting from Blockbuster or GameFly and sending them back the next day after installing them.
I'm probably going to install the games that take the longest to load. Halo 3 is not one of those I'll install but things like Guitar Hero and Rock Band and any games I get in the future that take a while to load.
Doesn't installing the game mean the disc only spins on startup? Anyways I'll install CODWaW (if it's good, Cod4 if it isn't) and maybe a few other games (Halo 3, Fallout 3, idk) Edit: it isn't useless, it makes it so the game barely spins, keeping it from getting scratched.
No it doesn't, you get to save on load times, games like Burnout, TDU, and Mass Effect have long load times and why not shave of some time. Plus it reads the disc to see if you own it and starts the game, but that is all the disc is used for so it cuts back on the noise as well.
Well, as previously stated, I will only install the games which take the longest to load and the ones I use the most; I don't have very much room on my hard drive.
I find it just a waste of HDD space, only because I don't mind the loading times. In the end, it's all the same game anyway right?
You could try it with and without and see the difference, I've heard up to 30% reduced loading times (I'm sure MGS4 PS3 owners wish they could cut down 30% and yes I know they have to install the game, but it still has LONG loading times). But yah I suggest trying it with and without if you are skeptical.
Gears of War 2-- [if slow loads effect game play] Halo 3-- [if I continue playing it like crazy] Mass Effect -- [long load times] GTA4-- [long load times] Halo wars-- [Long load times]
Bah. 20G HD sucks.. But I just got a Datel X360 transfer cable, so goodbye to limited harddrive space. I'm probably going to have Orange Box, FC2, Oblivion, and maybe Halo.. if I find a reason to go back to it.
Grif says play Halo. Good enough for you? I think I might add Crackdown to it because sometimes I just like to play it.
That right there is the reason I would do this. that little lack box is noisy. I bout an Elite so I've got 120GB hard drive, of which about 90GB is left. By the time NXE comes around I'll only have 2 games, Halo 3 and Guitar Hero: WT.
I won't be installing any games. It seems like a waste of hard drive space (on my 20GB HDD) and the noise doesn't bother me. Halo 3 won't be running better. It is already optimized.
I've got 80-90 gig left. I'm going to do farcry 2, Gow, CodWaw, Halo 3, and fable 2, and any other new games I get. Other than those, I'll delete it if I stop playing for a while.