Wow dude that is really sweet. I like how the ODST in the middle is really focused and sharp while the rest of it has a blurry/pastel look to it. The flame from the left is really sweet. Do you think you could provide the original image that you used? I am intrigued. Excellent work though mate. Looks very professional.
i think that the odst guy in the middle is too much in the front makes hime looks like an actionfigure in front of a picture
Any suggestions to fix it? Just make him samller? And to the first post: I actually combined a lot of images in this, so no...
i know one thing the lighting is off and the dude is like stiff compared to is comrades just standing the in the awkward lighting maybe get a new focal piont maybe fade him in to the side of picture not directly i n middle
im sorry but i got to say that the whole perspective is off now ganster spartan like lean back lean back and still looks plastic anybody else wanted to give some constructive criticism im all out good try dude though none the less
for v2 try to blur the odst dude in the front a tiny bit, it should help the overall flow and get rid of the "plastic" look that it currently has.